A Study on the Imperial Subjects’ Gymnastics 황국신민체상(皇國臣民體搡)에 관한 연구
김재우KimJae-Woo , 이학래LeeHak-lae
39(1) 11-21, 2000
A Study on the Imperial Subjects’ Gymnastics 황국신민체상(皇國臣民體搡)에 관한 연구
김재우KimJae-Woo , 이학래LeeHak-lae
The purpose of this study is to review the background, details and distribution of the "Imperial Subjects’ Gymnastics" which was forced on the Korean people by the Japanese colonists during late colonial period
Japan’s Chosun Governor’s office designed the so-called "Imperial Subjects’ Gymnastics" on October 8, 1937. The ultimate goal of this national gymnastics was to Japanize all the Korean people and thereby, make them subjects of their emperor. In addition to such a goal, they attempted through this sports program to build a foundation for their sports and thereupon, help enhance their military strength for their imperialism.
"Imperial Subjects' Gymnastics" was forced on ordinary people and students but lower-grade elementary pupils. Three types of wooden sword were used for the gymnastics per group, and a wooden dagger was used, too. In particular, these swords and dagger were deemed holy because they were thought to serve the Japanese spirit not the sports itself. On the other hand, the uniforms for the gymnastics were diverse; such primary colors as red, blue or yellow were avoided for trousers, and instead, pure white, black or brown colors were adopted for the short or long trousens. White short-sleeved shirts were worn during summer, while long-sleeved ones were recommended during winter.
The basic training of "Imperial Subjects’ Gymnastics" consisted primarily of such mental aspects as ‘attitude towards wooden sword’, 'posture and spiritual concentration’, ‘integration of spirit and sword’ and ‘manners’. The basic posture comprised ‘erect’ ‘at ease’, ‘prepared’ and other six types. The main techniques were "hitting" and ‘piercing’. The former technique could break down into 'face hitting’, 'wrinkle hitting’ and ‘body hitting’, while the latter one consisted of ‘Senators’(前突), Hyodote’(票突)and lidots’(裏突).
Chosun Governor’s office who specified the imperial gymnastics engineered to introduce it into "School Gymnastics Curriculum’ amended on March 30, 1938 in an attempt to distribute it to every Korean students, and thus, the gymnastics began soon to be performed at every level of school in Korea. Subsequently in late 1938, the gymnastics was forced on officials and ordinary people, and after all, it was performed generally throughout the nation.
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A Study of Adaption into Sports Through Sun Tzu’s the Art of War ≪손자(孫子)≫ 병법(兵法)의 스포츠에로의 적용 가능성 탐색
나영일NaYoung-il , 이동철LeeDong-chul
39(1) 22-36, 2000
A Study of Adaption into Sports Through Sun Tzu’s the Art of War ≪손자(孫子)≫ 병법(兵法)의 스포츠에로의 적용 가능성 탐색
나영일NaYoung-il , 이동철LeeDong-chul
The purpose of the study is to examine the potential to sport Sun Tzu’s essays on “the Art of War”, which have been studied in the field of military and philosophy, management, to the field of sport. Sport will be analyzed and compared with strategies contained in Sun Tzu’s “the Art of War”.
Firstly, Sun Tzu’s the Art of War has been studied from ancient times to the present and has been to used in research in not only east countries but also western countries. It was adopted as the main test subject for the examination of military man(Musa) in Chosun dynasty. Secondly, in order to undunderstand its applicability for sport, it is necessary to examine the similarities and the differences of it, and to compare the essays to the ethics and strategies of combat skill. With respect to the competitive elements, war and sport have many similarities, though there are some significant differences. Sun Tzu emphasized the ability of group rather than the ability of individual. In sport, however, those who compete against one’s team are regarded as a necessary, whereas in war, the opponent is considered to be an enemy to kill.
In Sun Tzu’s the Art of War, all warfare is based on deception. This deception is can be seen as cheating and skillful play in sport. So the practice of deception is an important factor in warfare and in sport. But most of the sport books are written about mainly skill-oriented formation to win in game. Therefore I assert that we must adapt in comprehensive strategy to win in game as suggested in Sun Tzu’s the Art of War.
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The Revolution of Consciousness of the People in China by Mao Ze-dong through the Physical Education 모택동의 체육을 통한 국민의식 개혁
39(1) 37-50, 2000
The Revolution of Consciousness of the People in China by Mao Ze-dong through the Physical Education 모택동의 체육을 통한 국민의식 개혁
Mao Ze-dong had no alternative to reconstruct the economy with his people nearing 600 million who were in the depths of poverty after the establishment of the Republic of China in 1949. At that time, Chinese people were downtrodden by the invasion of the World Powers. He also felt the need to make his people restore their lost confidence and regain the will power by enhancing their sound constitution.
To serve this national purpose, what was urgently needed was the accumulation of the capital. He had to increase th level of the capital reserve and invest the money into the production line. Therefore, moral concepts such as thrift, economy, and self-denial were keenly needed for the labor force including the systematic control over the organized life which was unprecedented in the imperial age of China. The internal discipline for the people and the strict regulation of the society are also required.
Mao Ze-dong used the physical education as a means of the Revolution of Consciousness of the People in China. It was intended to help the people self-realize the creative consciousness and produce the unselfish and sacrificial man.
Furthermore, he wanted his people to live in ascetic and organized ways. By encouraging the people to lead the way of the ascetic lifestyle, he could make the nation to wake up and mould the ideology. He could also accomplish the development of the everlasting revolutionary consciousness and mobilize the collective volition from the people. Plus, he created the socialist mind on the basis of the powerful restraint of the impulse and the self-denial. Building up the military power to guard his country against the oppression of the imperial and industrialized nations was one of his main attainments.
The relationship between the physical education and the prosperity of the state has been mentioned with the necessity of the politicization of the gymnastics and Maoist economic model. By emoting the gymnastics and sports activities as a prerequisite for politics and economy, Mao Ze-dong emphasized their important positions within the changing history of the Republic of China.
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Chariot and Horse Race of Ancient Greece 고고학적 유물에 나타난 고대 그리스의 전차경기와 경마
오동섭OhDong-Soub , 김복희KimBok-Hee
39(1) 51-63, 2000
Chariot and Horse Race of Ancient Greece 고고학적 유물에 나타난 고대 그리스의 전차경기와 경마
오동섭OhDong-Soub , 김복희KimBok-Hee
With many mountainous and stony areas, Greek roads were not suitable for horse riding. This made the Greeks use horses for racing games. Chariot and horse race is originated between the thirteenth and twelfth century B.C., chariot race was first known as a formal sports game when it was introduced in the Olympic games of the 680 B.C.
The hippodromos, the stadia for chariot and horse race, were spread across the whole country. The starting point was formed of a triangle shaped platform, and the turning point was a pillar set at an end of the track in the hippodromos. Racers’ starting positions were decided by a lottery and starting signals were given by sounding a trumpet. There were six kinds of horse events: three for full-grown horses, three for colts, for each class a four-horse chariot-race, a horse race, and a pair-horse chariot-race
Chariot race was a highly popular sports among the ancient Greeks. It was a very exciting game for both the racers and the spectators because it provided many dangerous scenes of colliding the chariot wheels against the pillar at the turning point as well as against the other chariots while competing in the race. Chariot race was a costly entertainment only for the aristocracy of Greek society. As the ancient Greek civilization decayed, however, chariot race gradually disappeared from the Olympic games and was superceded by the horse race, Which was the first appearance of horse race at the Olympic games.
Although women were not allowed to participate in the Olympia event, several names of women winners were found in some records of the races. Chariot races gave the racers better chances of gaining wealth and honour since they offered greater prizes compared with other sports games and there were more festivals were practised in the Greek polis.
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Characteristics of Physical Education in Enlightened Age of Korea 한국 개화기 학교체육의 성격
39(1) 64-77, 2000
Characteristics of Physical Education in Enlightened Age of Korea 한국 개화기 학교체육의 성격
The purpose of this study was to examined the Characteristics of Physical Education in Enlightened Age of Korea through intrinsic approach and the study subject were as follows.
First, to examine the historical background of world history in enlightened age.
Second, to examine the trend of modern physical education in the western world.
Third, to examine the characteristics of purpose of physical education of school physical education, the attitudes of academic society’s journal and some educator’s thoughts.
To discuss the characteristics of physical education in enlightened age Korea as the positive and negative view points.
①to formed the recognition of the importance of physical education, ②the gymnastics was institutionalized in the education, ③to create the new culture of physical education, ④to make opportunity of participation as global universality of physical education, ⑤to create the new recognition of value of physical activities through the western sports were positive side.
①the historical background of traditional society’s lack of physical education system passively brought the western physical education, ②lack policy in physical education of the government, ③training system of physical education teacher was not concerned, ④physical education was defend on military officer, the contents was military drill(military gymnastic), ⑤therefore physical education recognized as military training, ⑥and culture of traditional physical activities were discontinued were negative side.
So the characteristics of enlightened age of physical education was influence nonessential elements essential elements. These phenomena gave the lessons to solve today’s problem.
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The Return to ‘Physical Education’ 「체육학」 에로의 회귀
39(1) 81-88, 2000
The Return to ‘Physical Education’ 「체육학」 에로의 회귀
The title, ‘physical education’ is considered as a reasonable terminology in ‘physical education as education’,however, it might not be accepted to express the area of ‘physical education as academic discipline' Some scholars insist on using kinesiology or human dynamics’ as a substitute for physical education. I have been on a different footing related to using kinesiology or human dynamics’ because ’kinesiology or human dynamics' have made only an answer on the area of natural science for ‘physical education', it could not speculate the aspects of social science for 'physical education’. On the other hand, several scholars have claimed adopting 'sports science’ instead of 'physical education’. It could not also make a sense because it is likely enough for ‘sports science’ to take only the narrow area of ’physical education. It could not also considered as new terminology instead of physical education in terms of ’the future physical education is supposed to based on health for human being’. The last position relate to this discussion asserts that ‘the titles of subordinate fields’ such as sociology of physical education, psychology of physical education are much better than others. However, this position may also have a slight tendency to lose the identity of physical education. Medical science has not only the area of medical science as academic discipline, but also the field of college of medical science. We also know that english terminology of pedagogy is ‘education’. Therefore, in relation to this discussion (the terminology and academic discipline of physical education), we should try to keep going the terminology "physical education’ and to approach ‘combined research' among subordinate fields in physical education.
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Transition Processes and Outlooks of Goals on Chinese School Physical Education -Based on changes in political circumstances- 중국 학교체육 목표의 변천과정과 전망 -정치상황 변화를 중심으로-
김창권KimChang-Kwon , 김동규KimDong-Kyoo
39(1) 89-96, 2000
Transition Processes and Outlooks of Goals on Chinese School Physical Education -Based on changes in political circumstances- 중국 학교체육 목표의 변천과정과 전망 -정치상황 변화를 중심으로-
김창권KimChang-Kwon , 김동규KimDong-Kyoo
This study reviewed the transition processes and outlooks of goals in Chinese school physical education related to the political circumstance and their characteristics in order to support the goal setting of school physical education in Korea. The goals in Chinese school physical education are based on the socialism tendency and circumstances. Explorative stage(1949-1957), ’the promotion of physical strength’ had been emphasized. Contrating stage(1958-1965), had been the era of ’the coexistence of the whole child education and the extreme communism’. Stagnant stage(1966-1976), the era of the educational goals in physical education was missing. Taking-off stage(1977-), ’the education for the whole men’ has been newly pursued. The outlooks of goals in Chinese school physical education are as follows: First, the goal to pursue the cultivate socialism type human would last in a long term. Second, the goal to pursue the physical fitness would keep going for a while. Third, social and educational value would be emphasized in the goal setting for school physical education. Fourth, among the school physical education goals, the improvement of competition ability would be constant meaning. Fifth, the requirements for aesthetic concept and humanism, development would be increased. Sixth, the long-term unbalanced phenomena in the school physical education in China would be continued until the theoretical system for the goals in school physical education fitting into the present circumstances in China.
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Philosophische Überlegungen zum Zweck der Gesundheit 건강의 목적에 대한 철학적 소고
39(1) 97-107, 2000
Philosophische Überlegungen zum Zweck der Gesundheit 건강의 목적에 대한 철학적 소고
Gesundheit ist ein permanentes Problem des Menschen. Wir möchten immer gesund bleiben. Aber warum brauchen wir die Gesundheit? Wir möchten endlich wieder tun können, was wir selbst wollen. Wenn ich wir sagen, dann meine ich uns generell, d.h. uns Menschen. Der Mensch ist dasjenige Lebewesen, das sein Leben selbst zu fuhren hat. Der Anspruch auf selbständige Lebensführung basiert auf zahllosen Bedingungen. Da ist zu allererst die Gegebenheit des Lebens. Dann muβ er auch erzogen und unter seinesgleichen aufgewachen sein. Dann bleibt er in jedem Moment seiner Lebensführung von den jeweils gegebenen physischen, sozialen und psychischen Bedingungen abhängig, sofem er tätsachlich mit Erfolg handeln will. Es gibt einen allgemein verständlichen Terminus für jenen Zustand, in dem die physischen, sozialen und psychischen Bedingungen selbständiger Lebensführung erfüllt sind. Dieser Begriff ist kein anderer als der der Gesundheit.
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Today and Tomorrow of Korean Physical Education and Sport Philosophy :1979-1999 한국 체육 · 스포츠철학의 오늘과 내일(1) :1979-1999
39(1) 108-124, 2000
Today and Tomorrow of Korean Physical Education and Sport Philosophy :1979-1999 한국 체육 · 스포츠철학의 오늘과 내일(1) :1979-1999
The purpose of this study sought to analyze the content and research method of doctor dissertations of sport philosophy which contribute to the physical education and sport to develop sport philosophy in korea. In order to develop the sport philosophy in physical education. there are some preconditions for that sport philosophy have to develop in korea. First, The basic text books of sport philosophy with a foreign language has been translated into korean language. Second, The korean philosophic society for sport have to unify various studies out of power. Third, The korean philosophic society for sport have to inform sport philosophy to scholars and graduate students studying sport philosophy. Fourth, That society sought to the quality than the quantity of papers in journal of korean philosophic society for sport and dance. Fifth, The philosophy theorieies have been correctly adapted to sport philosophy papers. Sixth, We have to understand the roles of sports philosophy. In this respect, I analyzed three steps in sport philosophy of dissertations. an early stage: 1979 years prior, a formative stage: 1980-1990 years period, a jumping stage: 1990 years after. In conclusion, I would suggest that analysis of content and research method of dissertation for physical education and sport philosophy will contribute to the body of knowledge aspects of sport philosophy in korea.
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The Meaning that Cornenius’ View of Moral Education influences on School Physical Education 코메니우스 도덕교육관의 체육교육적 의의
39(1) 125-137, 2000
The Meaning that Cornenius’ View of Moral Education influences on School Physical Education 코메니우스 도덕교육관의 체육교육적 의의
This study made an investigation on the significance of moral education of Comenius in physical education. The moral education of Comenius describes, based on his theories of existence and knowledge, the importance of physical education as education for a whole man
His view of moral education provides clue to forming moral education in physical education and sports in the following points; it recognized that the view of human which views human as a being with the unity of body and mind, human behaviors are the expression of our mind; humans can improve their virtues by stimulating their competitive spirit, based on plays and games; the seed of potential virtue exists in a human being’s mind.
The main contents of moral education to present are prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice, frugality, liberality, benevolence, diligence, patience, cleanliness, decorum, respect, complacency, truth, etc. Those contents show that the virtues of sportsmanship are almost the same as those which Comenius presents as contents of moral education. As for teaching methods, it is highly recommended that early education, model education, and practicable education be positively carried out.
The purpose of moral education lies in setting up a moral recognition system, cultivating sound judgment ability and practicable will, and therefore building up human as a whole man. As for the methods of evaluation, he emphasized that evaluation had to be made on the ability to distinguish moral values, to present reasonable support for his values or judgement, and to apply moral evaluation. Teachers have to not only be models but also help students develope their levels of moral judgement by making them positively participate, as their guides as well as agents.
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The reflective Inquiry on ‘Moving Body’ 운동하는 ’몸’의 반성적 고찰
함정혜HahmChung-Hae , 김영선KimYoung-Seon
39(1) 138-145, 2000
The reflective Inquiry on ‘Moving Body’ 운동하는 ’몸’의 반성적 고찰
함정혜HahmChung-Hae , 김영선KimYoung-Seon
The human body could study as a scientific object otherwise it could be extend to the area of philosophical meaning. What is the meaning of moving body as a philosophical discussion in the respects of the phisical education and sports? In the stand of popular mind-body dualism and mind-body monism, the meaning of body had been understood as a subordinate concept of mind or the meaning of mechanical or marterial things. But the Cartesian dualism of the mind-body monism had some limitations for understanding human body. We could propose the new perspective that properties dualism was contrasted with the popular dualism. The perspective of properties dualism was stand a point of view that any object have two properties, marterial and non-material qualities. This perspective could suppose to us fundamently theorical basics. The properties dualism perspective had two meanings of ‘doing as a body' and "knowing as a body’ as one thing. Thus, ‘doing as a body’ meant extrinsic movement like a machine, ‘knowing as a body’ meant intrinsic movement quality process that the body as a subjective one which constructed the all expriences. Therefore, this study was focused to the properties dualism could be justified about ’doing as a body’ and ‘knowing as a body’ to overcome the limitations which popular dualism had been passed over the importance of "knowing as a body’ through the body experience. Thus the philosophical inquiry about mind-body concering the properties dualism should continuously study concisely in the near future.
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The Effect of Regular Exercise on the Subjective Health and Social Activity of the Elderly 규칙적인 운동참여가 고령자의 주관적 건강상태 및 사회적활동에 미치는 영향
39(1) 149-158, 2000
The Effect of Regular Exercise on the Subjective Health and Social Activity of the Elderly 규칙적인 운동참여가 고령자의 주관적 건강상태 및 사회적활동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigated the effect of regular exercise on subjective health and social activity of the elderly. To do so, literature and empirical survey were conducted. Using the SPSSWIN 8.0 program, analytical methods (reliability test, frequency, cross tabulation, t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis) were conducted. Empirical result were as follows;
1) On the dimension of perceived health status upon the regular exercise, parricipants were significantly were higher than non-participants.
2) Social activith level according to the subjective health was statistically significant of total social activity variable and spouse, friend, relatives, and group members’ role activity variables.
3) The degree of social activity upon the regular exercise, participants were more participated in the social activities than non-participants.
To this regards, this study found the fact that regular exercise had positive influence on the subjective health and participation to social activity of the elderly.
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The Influence of TV Sports Audience’s Viewing Motive on Their Viewing Attitude TV 스포츠 수용자의 프로그램 시청동기가 시청태도에 미치는 영향
39(1) 159-169, 2000
The Influence of TV Sports Audience’s Viewing Motive on Their Viewing Attitude TV 스포츠 수용자의 프로그램 시청동기가 시청태도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between the TV audience’s demographic factors and their viewing motive, and the relation between their viewing motive and viewing attitude.
This survey was conducted toward people over 10-year old male and female who currently reside in Seoul City as of 1999, and selected by using the systematic stratified cluster random sampling method. Total 585 questionnaires was collected from 600 subjects.
The measurement of the questionnaires was based upon, the previous research of McQuail(1983), Gants & Wenner(1995), Rubin(1977), Perse(1990), Reeves & Miller(1977), Miyazaki(1981), Lee, Yoo jeong(1998), and Lee, Soo yoon(1999) and was appropriately modified after testing their validity and the reliability.
The primary statistics employed for data analysis were One-way anova, Pearson’s correlation, Multiple regression analysis.
The conclusions were as being follows.
At first, among the TV sport audience’s demographic factors, the sex and occupation were statistically significant influencing factors on their viewing motive. Namely, male and student groups showed more positive and involved viewing attitude than female and other occupation groups.
Second, the TV sports audience's viewing motive influenced significantly on their degree of involvement and fascination. And among the motives, it was showed that entertainment and vicarious satisfaction was the most significant influencing factors.
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Ihe Relationship between Leisure Activity and Family Stress, Family Cohesion among Married Women 기혼여성의 여가활동 참여와 가족스트레스 및 가족응집력의 관계
39(1) 170-178, 2000
Ihe Relationship between Leisure Activity and Family Stress, Family Cohesion among Married Women 기혼여성의 여가활동 참여와 가족스트레스 및 가족응집력의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure activity and family stress, family cohesion among married women.
Subjects of this study were sampled 461 the collegiate(235 male, 226 female) by the random sampling method. Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA), correlation and path analysis.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, the type of leisure activity among married women has an influence on family stress. That is, there is difference in the family stress according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Second, the type of leisure activity among married women has an influence on family cohesion. That is, there is difference in the family cohesion according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Third, the level of leisure activity among married women decrease family stress and increase family cohesion.
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The Causal Relationship Model among Social Competence, Daily Stress, Self-Identification and Indirected Participation of the Sports. 청소년의 사회적 유능감, 스트레스 및 자아정체감과 스포츠관람 간의 인과관계
39(1) 179-194, 2000
The Causal Relationship Model among Social Competence, Daily Stress, Self-Identification and Indirected Participation of the Sports. 청소년의 사회적 유능감, 스트레스 및 자아정체감과 스포츠관람 간의 인과관계
The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects among social competence, daily stress, self-identification and indirected participation of the sports.
For this purpose the research was administered to 679 male and female adolescents dwelling in Seoul. Data were collected through samples by means of cluster sampling method.
The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in previous studies among social competency, daily stress and self-identification scales, and used them after examing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test.
The methods of Statistics used to analyze the collected datas were structural equation modeling analysis,
The following is conclusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study.
There was supported by hypothesis I of the relationship between social competence and indirected participation of the Sports.
There was supported by hypothesis U of the relationship between daily stress and indirected participation of the Sports.
There was supported by hypothesis III of the relationship between self-identification and indirected participation of the Sports.
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Tlie Relationship between Leadership Style, Achievement Motivation and Member Satisfaction in Sport Group 스포츠 집단의 지도유형과 성취동기 및 성원만족의 관계
39(1) 195-207, 2000
Tlie Relationship between Leadership Style, Achievement Motivation and Member Satisfaction in Sport Group 스포츠 집단의 지도유형과 성취동기 및 성원만족의 관계
This research based on the viewpoint like this constructed a hypothetical model by a study on the relationship between leadership style and members satisfaction in sport group and a related study on and achievement motivation. Subjects for this study consisted of male athletes 752 of team sport.
From the analyses of data, this study reached the following conclusion.
Firstly. Leadership style in sport group has effect on achievement motivation. That is to say, training and instructing increases the degree of success achievement and failure avoidance motivation, but positive feedback behavior decreases the degree of failure avoidance motivation. Secondly. Leadership style in sport group has effect on member satisfaction. That is to say, leader’s training and instructing behavior increases the degree of three sub-dimension(task performance, member relationship and leadership behavior satisfaction) of member satisfaction, democratic behavior, social support, and positive feedback behavior increases the degree of two sub-dimension of member satisfaction.
Thirdly. Success achievement motive in sport group increases the degree of task performance, member relationship and leadership behavior satisfaction but failure avoidance motivation decreases the degree of task performance, leadership behavior and member relationship. Finally. Leadership style in sport group has a direct effect on members member satisfaction and an indirect effect through achievement motivation,as well.
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A Study of the Leisure Activity Participation and Leisure Satisfaction 여가활동 참여정도가 여가만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate that there is the relation between leisure activity participation and leisure satisfaction in the adults.
Also, the above purpose is to find out how leisure activity participation effects on leisure satisfaction, comparing and analyzing the differences between the rate of leisure activity participation and the subordinate position factor of leisure satisfaction such as psychological, social, educational, physiological, relaxation, environmental, and general satisfaction
The object of this research is the male of over 21 who are residents in Pusan City, and this male group is established as a population and sampled by the method of multi-stage stratified random sampling. The respondents of questionnaire is 450, 428 of those were used in real analysis.
The background variables included sex, age, income, grade, marriage, occupation, self rated health. And I established leisure activity type and leisure participation degree as dependant variables and leisure satisfaction degree as subordinate variables.
The method of statistics analysis is t-test, one way ANOVA, multiple classification analysis, analysis of covariance and multiple regression analysis for analysis to collected material. Through this method and process, results from research are as follows.
1. The relation between leisure participation rate and psychological satisfaction is found to have no significant difference. The above relation is found to have a significant difference when the factors are considered.
2. The social satisfaction’s relation considered leisure participation rate and population statistics factor is found to have a significant difference.
3. The educational satisfaction’s relation considered leisure participation rate and population statistics factor is found to have a significant difference.
4. The relation between leisure participation rate and physiological satisfaction is found to have no significant difference. The above relation is found to have a significant difference when the factors are considered.
5. The relation between leisure participation rate and relaxation satisfaction is found to have no significant difference. The above relation is found to have a significant difference when the factors are considered.
6. The relation between leisure participation rate and environmental satisfaction is found to have no significant difference. The above relation is found to have a significant difference when the factors are considered.
7. The general satisfaction’s relation considered leisure participation rate and population statistics factor is found to have a significant difference.
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Sport Participation in Korea : Growth and Changes 한국인의 체육활동 참가 양상 : 성장과 변화
The purpose of this study is to examine the growth and changes of sport--for-all in Korea by comparing the results of 'National Survey on Sport-for-All", which has been conducted five times from 1985 to 1997.
The sample of "National survey on sport-for-all" has been used in this study. 1928 in 1985, 2282 in 1989, 12499 in 1991, 6000 in 1994, and 3211 in 1997 were chosen respectively as final samples. Variables used in this study were 1) Primary Sport Participation: Regular sport participation, Participating sport activity items, Frequency of sport participation, Intensity of sport participation, Sport activities desired, and 2) Secondary Sport Participation: Experience of direct spectatorship, Items of direct spectatorship, Frequency of direct spectatorship. Data were analyzed using following methods. 1) Frequency and % were confuted into male and female, combining them into a total showing the annual changes. 2) χ2 test was conducted to examine statistical significance.
As results, quantity-wise, we have seen a regular increase of people engaging in sports for at least 2 to 3 times per week. From 1985 to 1989 we have seen an increase of 19.4% to 38.8%. The increased rate in the frequency of participation is sluggish, but the percentage of respondents, who did not participate in any activities has dramatically lessened.
On the other hand, quality-wise, the increase in sports participation, can be witnessed in the rapid increase of time spent in sports. The number of people exercising for less than 30 minutes and 30 minutes to an hour, is gradually decreasing, but the number of people exercising for 1 to 2 hours and more than 2 hours has increased. This represents how Korean sports has changed its direction focussing on qualitative aspects instead of quantitative aspects.
Secondary participation is showing a completely different side to what we have witnessed in the primary participation. Comparing 1985 with 1997, it shows that the rate of people who have actually attended a sports event within a year has slightly declined.
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The Influence of lifestyle Characteristics on Behavior of Sport Consumers 라이프스타일 특성이 스포츠소비자행동에 미치는 영향
임번장LimBurn-Jang , 서희진SeoHee-Jin
39(1) 233-241, 2000
The Influence of lifestyle Characteristics on Behavior of Sport Consumers 라이프스타일 특성이 스포츠소비자행동에 미치는 영향
임번장LimBurn-Jang , 서희진SeoHee-Jin
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of lifestyle characteristics as significant determining factors on behavior of sport consumers. More specifically, this study was to analyze the influence of lifestyle characteristics(i.e. socially confident, fashion conscious, price conscious, homebody, community minded, optimist, arts enthusiast, and religious oriented dimensions) on behavior of sport consumers.
The subjects of this study who were sampled were 417 male and female adults who lived in Seoul using systematic stratified cluster sampling and PPS(Probability Praportionate to Size) sampling. The data collecting by questionnaire that was designed for this study consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable.
Statistics employed in this study were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted:
First, there was no influence of direct sport consultation on lifestyle characteristics.
Second, the lifestyle characteristics was significant influence on indirect sport consumption. More specifically, the socially confident, homebody, arts enthusiast, and religion oriented dimensions were significant influence on Television sports program viewing within indirect sport consumption. And only socially confident dimension was significant influence on radio sports event coverage listening. The arts enthusiast, socially confident, homebody, religion oriented, and price conscious dimensions were significant influence on newspaper subscription related to sport. Magazine subscription related to sport was under the influence of the socially confident, homebody, religious oriented and price conscious dimensions. Finally, the socially confident, homebody, religious oriented, arts enthusiast, and price conscious dimensions were significant influence on conversation related to sport.
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Korean Sport in the Process of Globalization: Sociological Approach to Current Situation and Future 세계화 과정 속의 한국 프로스포츠: 그 현실과 미래에 대한 사회학적 접근
정희준ChungHee-joon , 이광용LeeKwang-yong
39(1) 242-253, 2000
Korean Sport in the Process of Globalization: Sociological Approach to Current Situation and Future 세계화 과정 속의 한국 프로스포츠: 그 현실과 미래에 대한 사회학적 접근
정희준ChungHee-joon , 이광용LeeKwang-yong
Current exchanges in the area of Korean professional sport is now moving beyond the division of sex, amateur/professionalism and sport categories. Also increasing international trade of players has to be a proof of Korean sport in the process of genuine globalization. Although increasing interests of Koreans in sport, number of fans and players’ number should lead to competitiveness of Korean sport, there is possible effects that threats the Korean sport structure. Cultural exchange including sport between core and periphery nations is necessarily based upon power relations, and, especially, stream of capital should be unilateral. In this circumstances, it is possible to identify structural threat to indigenous sport and subordination to foreign capital.
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The Relationships among Utilization Level at the Sport Centers Physical Self-Efficacy, and Interpersonal Relations 스포츠센터 이용수준과 신체적 자아효능감 및 대인관계성향의 관계
조리라JoRi-rah , 김사엽KimSa-Yeop
39(1) 254-262, 2000
The Relationships among Utilization Level at the Sport Centers Physical Self-Efficacy, and Interpersonal Relations 스포츠센터 이용수준과 신체적 자아효능감 및 대인관계성향의 관계
조리라JoRi-rah , 김사엽KimSa-Yeop
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among utilization level at the sport centers, physical self-efficacy, and interpersonal relations. 480 subjects, age more than twenty years, were selected from the participants at the sport centers in Seoul by the stratified duster random sampling method in 1999.
The survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The questionnaire for self-efficacy was developed by Ryckman et al.(1982) and translated into Korean by Hong, Son-Ok(1996). The scale for interpersonal relations was developed by Suh, Kyung-Hee(1995).
In order to analyze the data, descriptives, standard multiple regression, and path analysis were used on SPSS for windows Version 8.0 program. The implications of the study are as follows;
Firstly, utilization level at the sport centers influences on physical self-efficacy. In detail, they perceive their physical ability better through longer duration, and they have more confidence on physical self-presentation through higher intensity.
Secondly, utilization level at the sport centers influences on interpersonal relations in part. Through longer duration, they show weak other-centered attitude and strong norm-centered attitude. Through higher intensity, they show weak other-centered attitude.
Thirdly, physical self-efficacy of sport center users influences on interpersonal relations in part. The higher they perceive their physical ability, the stronger they show self-centered and norm-centered attitude.
Lastly, a causal relation appears among utilization level at the sport centers, Physical self-efficacy, and interpersonal relations.
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The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Preperformance Routines Rior to Shooting Event : A Single-Subject Experimental Design 사격 시합 수행전 루틴의 효과
A single-subject experimental design was used to test the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral preperformance routines in effecting psychological skills and improving shooting performance. The subjects were three air-pistol shooters who were semi-elite level of university groups. Initially, self-report and baseline of psychological skills and shooting records were obtained just before starting the treatment. A 4-weeks intervention program was then implemented. This program included training in relaxation, positive thinking, refocusing and self-statements. An opportunity to practice using these procedures in competition was provided. Measure of psychological skills was obtained at every two weeks during the intervention and post-intervention and measure of shooting records was obtained at the every week's competition during the treatment and post-intervention. Results revealed that imagery control, self confidence factors, and shooting record were improved wheres concentration/anxiety factor had no changes. The importance of examining multiple dimensions of psychological skills and performance using a multimethods, idiographic approach was discussed
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수행전 루틴, 단일 피험자 사례연구, 다차원적 기준선, 심리적 기술
A Study on the Effects of Dance Class on Anxiety 무용학습이 불안에 미치는 영향
김승철KimSeungChul , 박준희ParkJoonHee
39(1) 275-281, 2000
A Study on the Effects of Dance Class on Anxiety 무용학습이 불안에 미치는 영향
김승철KimSeungChul , 박준희ParkJoonHee
The main purpose of this study was to assess the effects of dance class on anxiety whiling controlling for physical exercise and music. Using the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, state anxiety was assessed before and after a 3-month education programme.
The experimental group followed a class in ballet. Control group were a physical education group to control for the effects of exercise, a music group to control for aesthetic sensitivity training, and a mathematics group. Several variables, such as age, sex, attitude towards dance, and previous experience in sport, dance, and relaxation, were measured. The result of the study are follow as;
1) Dance training significantly reduced anxiety, but no control activities did so.
2) Examination of the variables showed that the result could not be accounted for by any obvious artifacts.
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The Effects of Gradual Transfer of Contextual Interference Levels on the Acquisition and Retention of Three Table Tennis Skill 맥락간섭수준의 단계적 전환이 탁구의 세 가지 기능학습에 대한 습득과 파지에 미치는 영향
박종태ParkJong-Tae , 표내숙PyoNae-Sook , 문규진MoonKyu-Jin
39(1) 282-296, 2000
The Effects of Gradual Transfer of Contextual Interference Levels on the Acquisition and Retention of Three Table Tennis Skill 맥락간섭수준의 단계적 전환이 탁구의 세 가지 기능학습에 대한 습득과 파지에 미치는 영향
박종태ParkJong-Tae , 표내숙PyoNae-Sook , 문규진MoonKyu-Jin
The purposes of this study were (1) to test the effectiveness of random practice and blocked practice in a field setting with young children, and (2) to test the potential effectiveness of blocked-random transfer practice schedules presenting random practice after an initial period of blocked practice. The tasks consisted of forehand stroke, backhand stroke and forehand serve in table tennis.
The 40 fifth grade children were randomly assigned total random group, blocked-random transfer (1) group(subjects initially learn using blocked practice during one week and then transfer to random practice during two weeks), blocked-random transfer (2) group(subjects initially learn using blocked practice during two weeks and then transfer to random practice during one week) and total blocked group. Subjects for this investigation were received a total of 72 acquisition trials(twenty-four for each skill) and 18 retention trials(six for each skill).
The results of this study are as follows:
1) The result of acquisition and retention phase revealed that the performance of total random practice group on the initial motor learning with young children were significantly less effectiveness than blocked-random transfer(1)(2) groups.
2) The result of acquisition and retention phase revealed that the performance of total blocked practice group on the initial motor learning with young children were significantly less effectiveness than blocked-random transfer(1)(2) groups.
3) The result of acquisition and retention phase revealed that the performance of blocked-random transfer(1) group on the initial motor learning with young children were significantly better effectiveness than total random and total blocked groups.
4) The result of acquisition and retention phase revealed that the performance of blocked-random transfer(2) group on the initial motor learning with young children were significantly better effectiveness than total random, total blocked and blocked-random transfer(1) group.
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The Effect of Team Success, Coaching Experiences, Sport Skill Types, and Sport Rychology Training on Self-Efficacy Strategies, 코치 성향에 따른 자기효능감 강화 전략의 사용 빈도와 효과 인지도 분석
최영옥ChoiYoung-Ok , 이병기LeeByung-Ki , 구봉진KooBong-Jin
39(1) 297-311, 2000
The Effect of Team Success, Coaching Experiences, Sport Skill Types, and Sport Rychology Training on Self-Efficacy Strategies, 코치 성향에 따른 자기효능감 강화 전략의 사용 빈도와 효과 인지도 분석
최영옥ChoiYoung-Ok , 이병기LeeByung-Ki , 구봉진KooBong-Jin
The present study was conducted to assess strategies elite coaches use to enhance self-efficacy in athletes, in particular the degree to which coaches use 13 strategies to influence self-efficacy and their evaluation of the effectiveness of those strategies. Self-efficacy rating differences between categories of coaches were also examined. Elite sport coaches(N=93) surveyed in this study indicated they most often used instruction-drilling, and confident performance. Strategies judged most effective by these coaches included instruction-drilling, setting specific goals, and verbal persuasion. Between coach discriminating variables included (1) team success, (2) coaching experiences, (3) sport skill types, and (4) sport psychology training. Results revealed that coaches differed in team success, coaching experience,sport skill type, and sport psychology training.
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The Correlations between Hormones, Motor Ability and Information Processing Ability on Left and Right-feet Group of Soccer Player 축구선수의 왼발잡이 집단과 오른발잡이 집단의 정보처리능력과 운동능력의 차이 및 호르몬과의 상관관계
하철수HaChul-Soo , 전준석JeonJoon-Seok
39(1) 312-321, 2000
The Correlations between Hormones, Motor Ability and Information Processing Ability on Left and Right-feet Group of Soccer Player 축구선수의 왼발잡이 집단과 오른발잡이 집단의 정보처리능력과 운동능력의 차이 및 호르몬과의 상관관계
하철수HaChul-Soo , 전준석JeonJoon-Seok
The purpose of study was to offer basis materials for expectation an athlete differential, selection, and potentialities abilities through the correlations between hormones, motor ability and information processing ability on left and right-feet group of soccer player
The results are as follows :
1. As a results of RT, stepping left-foot, stepping right-foot, and mirror tracing on information processing ability did not show any significant difference but At showed significant difference at the level of p<.05.
2. As a results of side-step, back strength, balance, flexibility, and stand broad of long jump did not show any significant difference.
3. As a results of information processing ability and hormone were found that relationship between dopamine and mirror tracing showed negative-correlation(r=-.543), the relationship between epinephrine and AT ability showed positive-correlation(r=.668), the relationship between noepinephrine and RT showed positive(r=.668), and the relationship between epinephrine and glucagon showed positive(r=.579).
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The Efficient Leadership Profile of Combative Event’s Coaches on Competing Values Leadership 투기종목 지도자들의 대응가치 리더쉽 분석과 프로파일
39(1) 322-331, 2000
The Efficient Leadership Profile of Combative Event’s Coaches on Competing Values Leadership 투기종목 지도자들의 대응가치 리더쉽 분석과 프로파일
The differences of roles and leadership profile of combative event’s coaches on competing values leadership
This study was conducted with an attempt to find out the difference of coach’s roles and to make the leadership profile according to the combative events based on competing values leadership. A total of 206 subjects were involved in this study, including only male athletes from college, club, national representative teams(korean traditional wrestling 44, judo 60, wrestling 51, Taekwondo 51). The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA to find out the difference of coach’s roles and Z score to make the leadership profile according to the combative events. The inventory for measuring coach’s leadership was COVALS(competing values leadership for sport) which was developed by Ha(1995). The construct validity and reliability of this inventory was confirmed with confirmatory factory analysis and Cronbach alpha(.70 - .88). The results of this study were that wrestling and Taekwondo’s coaches was more efficient than korean traditional wrestling and judo’s coaches in the innovative researcher role, and Taekwondo’s coaches was more efficient than korean traditional wrestling, wrestling, and judo’s coaches in the authoritative director role. Taekwondo and wrestling's coaches leadership profile were ideal based on competing values leadership.
Key Words
대응가치 리더쉽
Effects of Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Walking Capacity of Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease
Kang Hyun-sik , Kim Ki-bong
39(1) 332-343, 2000
Effects of Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Walking Capacity of Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease
Kang Hyun-sik , Kim Ki-bong
A training study was conducted to examine the effects of resistance training on muscle strength and physical capacity in patients with peripheral artery disease of the lower limb. Twelve people aged between 55 and 75 years(mean age 65.7 ±5.2 years) with symptomatic PAD participated in a supervised resistance training program three times weekly for 10 weeks.
Subjects were tested before and after the training period for: (1) resting hallux systolic blood pressure,⑵ post-occlusive reactive hyperemic response;⑶ time to the onset of claudication pain during treadmill walking;⑷ venous blood lactate; (5) maximal isometric plantar flexion strength.
Weight training intervention resulted in a significant increase in resting hallux systolic blood pressure including PORHR2, prolonged pain free treadmill walking, reduced blood lactate and increased isometric plantar flexion strength(p<.05), as compared with those of pre-training.
These data indicate that resistance training may be effective in alleviating symptoms commonly associated with PAD.
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Psychological Factors of Athletes on Sports Injuries 운동선수의 생황스트레스, 성격적 강인함이 운동상해에 미치는 영향
곽이섭KwakYi-Sub , 김용이KimYong-Ee
39(1) 347-354, 2000
Psychological Factors of Athletes on Sports Injuries 운동선수의 생황스트레스, 성격적 강인함이 운동상해에 미치는 영향
곽이섭KwakYi-Sub , 김용이KimYong-Ee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of psychological factors(life stress and personality hardiness) of athletes on the frequency and extent of their sports injuries.
For this study, 249 student athletes which participated in team and individual sports volunteered. The effects of life stress, personality hardiness as psychological factors of athletes on injury frequency, and the extent of injuries were measured in this study.
The conclusion and implications of this study are as follows:
1. The injury experienced group shows higher life stress and lower personality hardiness compared to the injury non-experienced group.
2. The factors of life stress and personality hardiness explain the injury frequency variable of 25.18%(R=.2518) by multiple regression.
3. The factor of personality hardiness explains the injury extent variable of 52.71%(R=.5271)by multiple regression.
4. Life stress and personality hardiness of the athlete can determine injury experience and injury non-experience. Life stress is 0.895 and personality hardiness is 0.315 by standardized canonical coefficients. These two factors distinguish the injury experience and the non-injury experience group, life stress has a higher discriminating ability than personality hardiness on sports injuries. Each canonical coefficients has statistical differences.
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The Effects of 5-HT changes following the Exercise timing on Melatonin secretion and Sleep 운동 수행 시기에 따른 5-HT의 변화가 Melatonin 분비와 수면에 미치는 영향
김정규KimJung-Kyu , 백일영Paikll-Young
39(1) 355-372, 2000
The Effects of 5-HT changes following the Exercise timing on Melatonin secretion and Sleep 운동 수행 시기에 따른 5-HT의 변화가 Melatonin 분비와 수면에 미치는 영향
김정규KimJung-Kyu , 백일영Paikll-Young
The purpose of this study was to examine and it’s effects of the 5-HT following the three difference the time of day on melatonin secretion and sleep quality.
The subjects of present study were 5 university students. All subjects participated in VO2 max test to calculate their 80% VO2 max workload The performed exercised test were divided of different timing a day; morning exercise at 08:00, afternoon exercise at 14:00, and night exercise at 20:00. All exercise test were continued until subjects stopped because of fatigue.
To discriminate between wakefulness and sleep and to identify sleep stages, I performed measurement of electroencephalogram(EEG), electromyogram(EMG), and electrooculogram(EOG) using standardized procedures(Rechtschaffen & Kales, 1968). The subjects ware studied for nine nights using the HEALTHDYNE Polysomnographic Recording and Reporting System. Sleep stages were scored in 30 second epochs for the presence of wakefulness or sleep and the various sleep stages. There were no significant differences in the exercise performance time(p>.05). Exercise which was performed in the late evening appeared to have much more influence on sleep quality and efficiency than that of afternoon and morning, so there were significant differences in sleep quality and efficiency among the different exercise performed times(p< .05).
There were no significant differences in the blood 5-HT among the different exercise performed timing(p >.05), but, 5-HT concentration was higher during day than that of night time and this is caused by the circadian rhythm in 5-HT levels probably related to both cyclic production and metabolism.
In the blood 5-HIAA concentration was directly correlated with 5-HT changes. But, there were significant differences at the end of exercise, recovery time and before going to bed(p< .05). Also, blood monoamine oxidase activity little change during the all kinds of exercise, and there were no significant difference in the blood monoamine oxidase activity among the different exercise performed timing(p >.05).
There were only significant differences in the blood melatonin at the resting, end of exercise, and next morning at seven among the different exercise performed timing(p<.05).
In this study, exercise performed in the late evening had a good advantage for sleep. Accumulation of 5-HT and melatonin coupled with one’s special circadian rhythm and they were affected by exercise performed timing. Therefore, for the optimal physical performance time, it is very important to keep the circadian rhythm for the body’s homeostais, and also, training program of circadian rhythm adaptation is needed for sleep quality and exercise performance.
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The Effects of Triathlon Event on Immune System and Endocrine System 트라이애슬론경기가 면역계와 내분비계에 미치는 영향
나재철NaJae-chul , 이광무LeeKwang-moo
39(1) 373-385, 2000
The Effects of Triathlon Event on Immune System and Endocrine System 트라이애슬론경기가 면역계와 내분비계에 미치는 영향
나재철NaJae-chul , 이광무LeeKwang-moo
This study investigated the relationship of immune system and endocrine sytem following olympic course triathlon event. Of all the subjects, 7 triathletes consisted of the elite group(EG) and 7triathletes were composed of the age group(AG) respectively. Venous blood samples were drawn at prior to the start of triathlon and at the end of triathlon event. Leukocyte and lynphocyte were determined by Sysmax SE 9000. T cell, B cell and NK cells were determined by two-color flow cytometry. T4 cell and T8 cell were determined by three-color flow cytometry. Epnephrine and norepnephrine were analysed as HPLC-ECD method and cortisol was analysed by Wizard 1470 r-counter.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows :
1. Plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol concentrations were increased after the race in both groups. 2. The ratio of norepinephrine to epinephrine of post-race was decreased in both groups. 3. There was significant (p<0.001) increase in WBC counts immediately after the race. In contrast, the percentage of lymphocyte was significantly decreased(p<0.01). 4. There were reductions in the percentage and absolute numbers of lymphocyte subsets immediately after the race in both groups. 5. In elite group, there was correlation between WBC and norepinephrine at post-race(r=.76). The percentage and absolute numbers of T8-lymphocyte were found to significantly correlate to norepinephrine at post-race(r=.95 ; p<0.01, r=.83 ; p<0.05). T4/T8 ratio was found to negative correlation to epinephrine and norepinephrine immediately after the race(r= -.73, r= -.72), also between NK cells number and epinephrine(r= -.65). 6, In age group, epinephrine was found to significantly correlate to total lymphocyte, T-lymphocyte and T8-lymphocyte(number) at post-race(r=.73, r=.82 ; p<0.05, r=.86 ; p<0.05). There were negative correlation between T4-lymphocyte(number), T4/T8 and cortisol at post-race(r= -.70,r= -.72). These results were considered as causing olympic course triathlon event to result in negative effect at the immune function It could be regarded that there was the relationship between endocrine and immune system following long-term endurance exercise.
Key Words
triathlon, endocrine system, immune system
Regular Exercise May Help Blood Pressure Control and Aerobic Capacity in Hypertension
노호성NhoHo-sung , 최성근ChoiSung-keun
39(1) 386-393, 2000
Regular Exercise May Help Blood Pressure Control and Aerobic Capacity in Hypertension
노호성NhoHo-sung , 최성근ChoiSung-keun
This study examined the effects of 24 months exercise training on blood pressure, body composition, aerobic capacity, and lipid and lipoprotein profiles in women patients with essential hypertension(EHT). Twenty-two patients initially participated in supervised exercise and home-based exercise training programs. Five patients completed the entire program. Oxygen uptake corresponding to lactate threshold(VO2LT), peak oxygen uptake(VO2peak), systolic blood pressure(SBP) , and lipid profiles were assessed before and 4, 8,12 and 24 months after the exercise intervention program was initiated. During the course of the exercise program, SBP,VO2LT and VO2peak improved significantly at month 4. No changes were found in percent of body fat (%BF),diastolic blood pressure(DBP), total cholesterol, lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, and hematocrit. On the other hand, a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was observed from months 12 to 24. These results suggest that most of the beneficial effects of exercise on blood pressure and aerobic capacity in women with EHT are obtained within 4-8 months, with some further improvements seen with continued exercise up to 24 months.
Effect of Endurance and Sprint Trainmg on the Change of Myosin Heavy Chain in the Skeletal Muscles 지구력 및 스프린트 훈련이 골격근의 Myosin Heavey Chain 변화에 미치는 영향
두만균DooMan-Guen , 이성호LeeSung-Ho
39(1) 394-406, 2000
Effect of Endurance and Sprint Trainmg on the Change of Myosin Heavy Chain in the Skeletal Muscles 지구력 및 스프린트 훈련이 골격근의 Myosin Heavey Chain 변화에 미치는 영향
두만균DooMan-Guen , 이성호LeeSung-Ho
The purpose of this study was to evaluate of sprint and endurance exercises for 8 week on transformational change of the skeletal myosin heavy chain(MHC) isoforms at transcriptional and translational levels in the hindlimb musculature of Sprague-Dawley rats. All animals were divided into non-exercise control group endurance exercise group, and sprint exercise group. In 2 exercise groups animals received sprint or endurance treadmill training for 8 week For detecting SDS-glycerol polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE) to measure that of MHC protein. After finishing exercise the soleus, medial gastrocnemius(MGC),and tibialis anterior(TA) on the hind limb were excised, fixed quickly with liquid nitrogen to prevent destruction MHC protein Myosin heavy chain protein was isolated from these muscles with extraction buffer and loaded on SDS- polyacrylamide gel containing 30% glycerol to separate several kinds of MHC isoforms. The results of this study were followed as :
1. After endurance or sprint exercise for 8 weeks there was significant redaction of body weight but significant increase of muscle weight and ratio of muscle weight to body weight in all the three muscles weight, which meant these exercises induced muscular hypertrophy.
2. Comparing control group, endurance exercise group showed significant increase in type I MHC protein and significant decrease in type IIa MHC protein of the soleus muscle on the SDS-glycerol PAGE study. However, sprint exercise produce to reverse proportional changes of these 2 MHC isoproteins observed in endurance exercise group.
3. In the MGC,endurance exercise group resulted in significant increase for proportion of type I,IIa MHC isoproteins and significant decrease of that of type IIb. In addition sprint exercise caused to increase in IIx MHC isoprotein but decrease in type IIb.
4. On the SDS-glycerol PAGE study, there was noted significant increase of percent ratio of type I, IIa, IIx in endurance exercise group and that of type IIx in sprint exercise of the tibialis anterior Only decrement of type IIb MHC isoprotein proportion was measured in both sprint exercise and endurance exercise.
From above results it could suggest that different type of exercise induce different expressional change of myosin heavy chain protein in the hindlimb musculature of rats.
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The Characteristics of Heart Rate in Rating of Perceived Exertion to Obesity Classification 비만의 정도가 자각적 부담척도에서의 심박수 반응 특성
백영수BaekYoung-Soo , 정태진JungTai-Jin
39(1) 407-416, 2000
The Characteristics of Heart Rate in Rating of Perceived Exertion to Obesity Classification 비만의 정도가 자각적 부담척도에서의 심박수 반응 특성
백영수BaekYoung-Soo , 정태진JungTai-Jin
The purpose of this study was to investigate the character of the heart rate in the obesity classification, using the 15 point Borg’s scale, a perceived exertion rating of 13 to 15.
In a group of 21 healty junior high school male subject, referred to as the body mass index(BMI), BMI=weigh1/height2(kg/m2), when the BMI is used, underweight is defined as a value of 20 or less, overweight as a value between 25.1 and 30.0. The results are following.
The heart rate of the overweight and underweight group in Borg’s 13 point scale(somewhat hard) was 140.1±7.22bpm and 160.4±5.22bpm,respectively. In the heart rate in Borg's 13 point scale, overweight group showed significant difference lower than underweight group.
The heart rate of the overweight and underweight group in Borg's 15 point scale(hard) was 159.0±5.25bpm and 176.0±4.13bpm, respectively.
In the heart rate in Borg’s 15 point scale, overweight group showed significant difference lower than underweight group.
Even though a height is at the same level, physical stress will be aggravated by acting overweight as dead weight at physical exercises.
In addition, it is founded that the number of heart rate in rating increases by two beat each on the average when BMI increases by about one each in rating of perceived exertion scale between 13 and 15 point.
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A Study on the Relationship between Sports Skill, Static Visual Acuity, and Dynamic Visual Acuity 스포츠 스킬과 정지 및 동체시력에 관한 연구
윤건중YounGun-Jung , 양점홍YangJum-Hong
39(1) 417-425, 2000
A Study on the Relationship between Sports Skill, Static Visual Acuity, and Dynamic Visual Acuity 스포츠 스킬과 정지 및 동체시력에 관한 연구
윤건중YounGun-Jung , 양점홍YangJum-Hong
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between sports skill, dynamic visual acuity and static visual acuity in the nonathletic high school students.
The subjects were 226 nonathletic male high school students who were 16 years old and live in Pusan city. The subjects devided by the level of sports skill, and then the upper group was consisted 22 students(Group A), and lower group was consisted 22 students(Group B).
The result of this study is as follows ;
1. The static visual acuity(right eye, left eye, and both eyes) was higer Group B than Group A, but there was nonsignificant.
2. The dynamic visual acuity was higher significantly Gtoup A than Group B(p<.001).
3. The relationship between dynamic visual acuity and static visual acuity showed the posivive relationship but there was nonsignificant.
4. The relationship between sports skill and dynamic visual acuity showed the posivive relationship significantly(p<.001), but between sports skill and static acuity showed negative relationship with a nonsignificant.
In conclusion, the result of this study is supported the applicability visual training program at the pick athletes out and it could be very useful to improve sports performance, ability of referee’s decision in area with a various sports competition, and traffic safety education, and so on. If we use the visual training program at the physical education class,we can expect that improved the sports skill in the nonathletic students
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The Changes of MDA, SOD, and Catalase by Overtraining 과다훈련이 지질 과산화 및 항산화 효소에 미치는 영향
이강평LeeKang-pyung , 임인수LimIn-soo
39(1) 426-435, 2000
The Changes of MDA, SOD, and Catalase by Overtraining 과다훈련이 지질 과산화 및 항산화 효소에 미치는 영향
이강평LeeKang-pyung , 임인수LimIn-soo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of lipid peroxidation(MDA) and antioxidant enzyme(SOD, catalase) in resting by overtraining program for 4week. Overtraining program was composed of baseline training(prepare phase), high intensity training(overtraining phase), regeneration training(recovery phase). The subject were 12 male physical education students on H, K university. The subject were examined maximal exercise(performance time), weight, resting HR, blood pressure, MDA, SOD, and catalase through 4week of overtraining program. Blood samples was drawn from antecubital vein in resting. All data were analyzed by repeated with ANOVA on of SPSS,accepting level for all significances was above α=.05. The results were as follows :
1. The changes of performance following overtraining were significantly decreased.
2. In resting MDA cocncentration following overtraining were significantly increased.
3. In resting SOD and catalase cocncentration following overtraining were significantly increased.
In conclusion, the changes of MDA, SOD, and catalase in resting caused by overtraining showed a tendency to increased in recovery phase after overtraining. This tendency express that oxidative stress by overtraining were directly affected by lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme defence system. Namely, when oxygen free radicals by overtraining attack cell, the reaction proceeds through an initiation, propagation, and termination phase during long term Therefore, overtraining were impose an oxidative stress to the body as well as decreased performance.
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The Effects of Aquarobics Exercise on Women’s Physique, Physical Fitness and Body Composition Aquarobics 운동이 여성의 체격ㆍ체력ㆍ신체구성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of aquarobic exercise on woman’s physique, physical fitness, and body composition. This study also intends to figure out the mechanism by the factors behind the exercise effects interact among themselves.
The experiment was conducted with the participation of 24 women who registered in the aquarobics program provided at ‘E’ university located in Seoul. In the program, 60 to 90 minutes-long exercise was given 3 times a week with the exercise intensity reaching at around 70% of maximum heart beat. After 12 weeks of the exercise, the participants showed a statistically significant difference in their physique, physical fitness, and body composition.
The most prominent effects of the exercise program turned out to be the enhancement of physical fitness and the redaction of fat. Among the factors of physical fitness, muscle endurance revealed the largest increase with cardiovascular endurance and flexibility following in the order. The reduction in body fat was most significant in ant. sup. iliac spine region with umbilical region following next. The fat-redudng effects of the aquarobic exercise was the most strong in ant. sup. iliac spine region and umbilical region, in which women are especially interested in reducing body fat. The effect on the enhancement of physical fitness was the largest with respect to flexibility with muscle power, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance following in the order.
In measuring the effects of physical therapy, the contents of a program is the most important. In particular, the FTTT(Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time) analysis of each body part’s movement is absolutely required. In addition, the comprehensive test covering physiological, biomechanical, and psychosocial aspects is indispensible. These subjects are to be left for future study.
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Effect of Weight Reduction Period on Electolyte in Wrestler 레슬링선수의 체중감량 기간이 전해질 농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of weight reduction period on electrolysis in wrestler. 10 wrestlers of C and S hight school in Seoul served as subject divided into two weight reduction program, 6 wrestlers for short-term and 4 wrestles for long-term weight reduction program. Weight reduction method and degree restricted to diet and perspiration Also in this study, weight reduction level used 7% weight reduction based on ACSM
K+, Ca++, Na+, and Mg++ on weight reduction method and before, after and recovery were exampled, and the result were following ;
Only K+ and Mg++ among eletrolysis showed significant differences between weight reduction method. Also in both short-term and long-term weight reduction, K+ significantly increased after weight reduction compared with before weight reduction and decreased during recovery shoed no significant difference in Na+ compared with before weight reduction in both group. Also Ca++ significantly increased after weight reduction compared with before weight reduction, but recovery showed no significant differences in both groups. Mg++ significantly increased after weight reduction compared with before weight reduction and decreased in recovery during short-term weight reduction, whereas in long-term weight reduction Mg++ lightly increased after weight reduction and decrease in recovery.
Base on above results, it showed the differences in short and long-term weight reduction program after weight reduction and no differences between short and long-term weight reduction in 7% weight reduction.
Therefore to effective weight reduction for wrestlers, reduction weight is more important factor than weight reduction pariod for the athletic health. Also it suggest that long-term weight reduction is better for large account of weight reduction.
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The Effect of Regular Swimming Exercise on Circlulation Capacity, Physical Fitness and Serum lipids according to Exercise Frequence of Women 규칙적인 수영운동이 여성들의 운동빈도별 순환능력, 체력 및 혈청 지질수준에 미치는 효과
39(1) 455-466, 2000
The Effect of Regular Swimming Exercise on Circlulation Capacity, Physical Fitness and Serum lipids according to Exercise Frequence of Women 규칙적인 수영운동이 여성들의 운동빈도별 순환능력, 체력 및 혈청 지질수준에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of regular swimming exercise on circlulation capacity, physical fitness and serum lipids according to exercise frequence of women. Subjects divided into three group : week-3tame group(7), week-5time group(7), general group(10). Age range of subject is 30-40yrs. Each group were swimming exercise during 12-weeks and during prescriptive duration measured the each variations.
The conclusion of the study was as follows :
1. Heart rate and systolic blood pressure during prescripition duration of 3-time and 5-time group according to exercise frequence were not significant differences at rest, but post-exercise showed significant(p<0.001, p<0.0204) decrease, and difference among each group after 12-weeks showed significant(p<0.0224, p<0.0376) at 6-time and 3-time group. VO2max showed significant(p<0.0001) increase during prescripition duration and difference among each group showed significant(p<0.0411) at 6-time and 3-time group.
2. Physical fitness during prescripition duration of 3-time and 5-time group according to exercise frequence showed significant(p<0.0001) differences at back strength, stand long jump, whole body reaction time and difference among each group after 12-weeks showed not significant at each group.
3. In the serum lipids during prescripition duration of 3-time and 5-time group according to exercise frequence, T.C, T.G, HDL-C and T.C/HDL-C ratio showed significant(p<0.0001, p<0.0001, p<0.0001, p<0.0031) differences at during 12-week exercise and difference among each group after 12-weeks, T.C, T.G, and T.C/HDL-C ratio showed significant(p<0.0319) at 3-time and 6-time group.
From results of this study, regular swimming according to exercise frequence regad to effect of circlulation capacity and physcial fitness factors, espescally lipids showed increased to changed level at 3-time than 6-time with high exercise frequence, therefore in the future, frequence and intensity of siwimming exercise will selected application.
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Comparison of Maximal Fat Oxidation Exercise Intensity Between Ordinary College Students and Endurance Athletes 일반 대학생과 지구성 훈련선수간의 최대지방연소 운동강도 비교
이용수LeeYoung-soo , 오동근OhDong-Keun
39(1) 467-475, 2000
Comparison of Maximal Fat Oxidation Exercise Intensity Between Ordinary College Students and Endurance Athletes 일반 대학생과 지구성 훈련선수간의 최대지방연소 운동강도 비교
이용수LeeYoung-soo , 오동근OhDong-Keun
This study was aimed to analyze metabolic variables in motion and to compare maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity(MFOEI). The subject of this study were college students(age 20 years) and endurance athletes(age 17 years). The MFOEI was defined at the intensity which resulted in maximal Fkcal as determined by converting VO2 to Fkcal/min at each treadmill stage using RER and a Lusk table.
Following an overnight fast, each subject finished stretching and warm-up for ten minute, followed by a maximal BRUCE protocol treadmill test.
Expired gases were collected and analyzed each 60 seconds using the Qainton metabolic cart. The date was analyzed by using t-test to compare MPOEI between groups. There was significant difference in the MFOEI(p<0_05) between endurance athletes group(52.99%) and college students group(38.99%). The significant difference were observed in the MFOEI of college students group(38.99%) and VO2max 50% exercise intensity (49.96%). The MFOEI of endurance athletes group(52.99%) was higher(approximately 3%) than VO2max 50% exercise intensity. There was no significant difference between groups in energy expenditure from fat oxidation(endurance athletes group; 6.6983 kcal/min, and college students group; 5.1038 kcal/min), but significant difference were observed between Fkcal in the VO2max 50% exercise intensity and college students group and endurance athletes group(p<.0.05).
These resultants of this study were follow.
It may be distinguished between exercise intensities to improve cardiopulmonary capacity and to oxidate maximal fat. It was found that the capacity of maximal fat oxidation(Fkcal) was improved in the exercise intensity which is over VO2max 50% by continued endurance training. However, because of fat oxidation it seems that people should begin to exercise at intensity of VO2max 40% for fat oxidation.
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The Effect of The Administration of Red Ginseng and Vitamin E on the Activation of Antioxidizing Enzyme and the Formation of lipid Peroxidation in Blood 홍삼과 비타민 E 투여가 혈중 항산화효소 활성도 및 과산화지질 생성에 미치는 영향
39(1) 476-488, 2000
The Effect of The Administration of Red Ginseng and Vitamin E on the Activation of Antioxidizing Enzyme and the Formation of lipid Peroxidation in Blood 홍삼과 비타민 E 투여가 혈중 항산화효소 활성도 및 과산화지질 생성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the change of superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT) and malondialdehyde(MDA) by the administration of red ginseng, vitamin E and red ginseng plus vitamin E mixture for eight weeks. Choosing as objects of test the female students of the department of physical education, this study analyzed the blood obtained from the objects who were in a rest or recovery period after treadmill running, which had been executed until they were exhausted at 75% of maximal oxygen consumption. The result of analysis is as follows.
1. In the tendency of the whole activation of SOD, the single administration groups of red ginseng and vitamin E each, and the mixture administration group of red ginseng plus vitamin E showed more SOD activation than the other two groups. Among the experimental groups, the single administration group of red ginseng showed a little more SOD activation than the mixture administration group. This result indicates that the administration of red ginseng defends cell membrane and tissue against the attack by the reactive oxygen which is increased by exercise. Especially the saponin of red ginseng functions as antioxidants at early stage(initation) by strengthening the capacity of transcription regulation of SOD which eliminated superoxide radical.
2. In the tendency of the whole CAT activation, the single administration groups of red ginseng and vitamin E and the mixture administration group of red ginseng plus vitamin E showed more CAT activation than placebo group. And the vitamin E administration group showed more CAT activation than red ginseng administration group and the mixture administration group of red ginseng plus vitamin E. This result suggests that the vitamin E created direct effect by supressing chain of oxidative reaction as a stabilizer in a cell membrane.
3. In the tendency of the whole MDA concentration, red ginseng administration group, vitamin E administration group, and the red ginseng plus vitamin E mixture administration group showed less MDA concentration than placebo group. And the mixture administration group showed less MDA concentration than other groups. This result shows that the promotion and absorption of red ginseng decreases MDA concentration and helps vitamin E to play a role as stabilizer and of a cell membrane and activator of oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria.
4. According to the administration period, red ginseng administration group, vitamin E administration group, and the red ginseng plus vitamin E mixture adminstration group significantly increased SOD and CAT activity than placebo group. Also red ginseng administration group, vitamin E administration group, and the red ginseng plus vitamin E mixture administration group significantly decreased MDA concentration than placebo group.
In conclusion, this study shows that the long-lasting administration of red ginseng and vitamin E plays a positive role as a free radical scavenger of reactive oxygen that restricts the activation of antioxidizing enzyme and formation of peroxydation caused by exercise. Therefore, red ginseng and vitamin E should be strongly recommended for those who do vigorous physical exercise, and new practical methds should be sought to make active use of them.
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The Effect of Serum CPK and LDH Concentration after Aerobic Exercise with Mental Retardation 정신지체아의 유산소 트레이닝 후 젖산탈수소효소의 변화
The purpose of the present was to investigate the activities of serum CPK and LDH after aerobic exercise on the mental retardation.
The subjects in this study were 10 females mental retardation; all were nomally physically active, but none was engaged in regular handcapped athletic training. The means and standard deviation for the subjects age, mass, height of the participants for the 27±5.17 years, 53.56 ±12.53kg, 146.11±11.56cm respectively. A submaximal level walking was performed to determine a constant self selected speed. Following completion of their pretest evaluation, the vo2 max was assessed from a graded exercise test on a treadmill. Both speed and grade of starting treadmill were 1.5miles/h-1 and 0%. Both speed and grade were increased 3 minute by 0.5miles/h-l and 1%, respectively until 4 miles/h-1 and 6% respectively, until plateaning of the vo2 max was observed with Brog scale. Blood sample (5ml) were collected by venous puncture from an antecubital vein after lying in bed in 30 minute, immediately exhaustion exercise, and at 30 minute after exercise. Blood was seperated by centrifugation and stored at -80 °C until analyzed. LDH activities was measured LDH regent and fluoescent analyzer. The aerobic exercise training were carried out in 60 min 5 d/wk-1 for 9 weeks. The results are presented as mean±standard deviation. An one-way ANOVA was used to analyse the data. Tukey’s post-hoc test was used to determine significant effect. The limit of significance was set at 5%.
The results indicated that the serum total LDH levels of exhaustion exercise after aerobic exercise training were more insignificantly increased than before training’s. The serum H-Type LDH (LDH1+2) levels of exhaustion exercise after aerobic training were insignificantly increased than before training's. Whereas the serum LDH5 level of exhaustion exercise after aerobic exercise training were insignificantly decreased than before training’s.
In conclusion, our data suggested that the effect of aerobic exercise on mental retardation was positive. The relationship between physical fitness and LDH isomerases system may be complex and that for some parameters unfavourable influence of aerobic exercise may exist in healthy active mental retardation. The findings of this cross- sectional design need to be supported in further prospective studies before the associations are accepted as real.
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The Effect of Iron Supplementation on Blood Components, Immune Cells and Aerobic Performance during Gradual Weight Loss 장기간 체중감량시 철 투여가 혈액성분, 면역체 및 유산소성 운동능력에 미치는 영향
홍용HongYong , 안의수AnnEue-Soo
39(1) 498-510, 2000
The Effect of Iron Supplementation on Blood Components, Immune Cells and Aerobic Performance during Gradual Weight Loss 장기간 체중감량시 철 투여가 혈액성분, 면역체 및 유산소성 운동능력에 미치는 영향
홍용HongYong , 안의수AnnEue-Soo
The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of iron supplementation on aerobic performance, plasma components and immune cells during gradual weight loss. The 12 male wrestlers of high school and 1 judo athlete(n=13), who were participated in the subjects of this study, and were divided into 3 groups; nonweight loss group(NW group; 3 wrestlers, 1 judo athlete), weight loss group(WL group; 4 wrestlers), weight loss and iron supplementation(ferrous sulfate, 100mg/day) group(WL+IS group; 5 wrestlers). In the gradual procedure, weight loss was achieved in 3 weeks by a diet restriction and forced to use wearing suit for sweating during the last week. For both weight loss groups, a diet restriction was 300Kcal per week Iron, ferritine, transferine, red blood cell(RBC), heemoglobin(Hb), heamatocrit(Hct), white blood cell(WBC), T-suppressor cell(Ts), T-helper cell(Th), natural killer cell(NK-cell), monocyte values were analyzed for blood samples drawn before and after weight loss at rest. And Vo2max and endurance time were measured after blood sampling. Weight loss of the WL and WL+IS group were decreased each 4.2kg, 4.3kg. Serum iron, transferine levels decreased after weight loss in the WL and NW group but in the WL+IS group improved after weight loss. Ferritin level improved significantly after weight loss in the NW and WL+IS group but was not significant in the WL group. RBC level improved in the all groups but was not significant. RBC, Hb, Hct levels improved after weight loss in the all groups but RBC, Hb improved significantly in the NW and WL+IS group. WBC level decreased in the NW and WL group after weight loss but improved in the WL+IS group after weight loss. Ts level decreased significantly after weight loss in the WL+IS group but was not significant in the NW, WL group. Th level decreased after weight loss in the all groups. NK-cell level improved after weight loss in the all groups. Monocyte level improved after weight loss in the NW, WL+IS group but decreased after weight loss in the WL group. Vo2max improved after weight loss in the NW, WL+IS group but decreased after weight loss in the WL group. Endurance time improved after weight loss in the WL, WL+IS group but decreased in the WL group. In conclusion, iron supplainentation during gradual weight loss affected serum iron, ferritin, transferin but did not affect RBC, Hb, Hct. Also, immune cells except monocyte seemed to be affected by exercise and gradual weight loss but were not affected by iron supplementation. But, iron supplementation during gradual weight loss affected monocyte. Endurance time and Vo2max did not affect gradual weight loss and iron supplementation.
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The Contribution of Anatomical Rotation to Racket Head Velocity on Arm Segments in a Tennis Backhand Strokes 테니스 백핸드 스트록 동작에 따른 상지 분절들의 해부학적 회전의 기여도
39(1) 513-519, 2000
The Contribution of Anatomical Rotation to Racket Head Velocity on Arm Segments in a Tennis Backhand Strokes 테니스 백핸드 스트록 동작에 따른 상지 분절들의 해부학적 회전의 기여도
The purpose of this study was to identify the role of trunk, upper arm, forearm, and hand in development of racket speed in tennis backhand strokes. 3D space coordinates of human segment endpoints were produced using video analysis system. The motions of six men tennis players were analyzed through three-dimensional movement analysis system. With the results of the analysis, the following have been found:
At impact, contribution of mean linear velocities of the center of the racket head was abduction of upper arm(27%), external rotation of upper arm(25%), and extension of forearm(12%) in tennis backhand slice, contribution of mean linear velocities of the center of the racket head was external rotation of upper arm(24%), extension of hand(21%), and abduction of upper arm(19%) in tennis backhand drive, contribution of mean linear velocities of the center of the racket head was extension of hand(24%), external rotation of upper arm(21%), and extension of upper arm(19%) in tennis backhand topspin lob.
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The Kinematic Analysis of the Tkatchev Stretched Motion on the Horizontal bar 철봉 몸펴 드가체프 동작의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematical variables of the Tkatchev Stretched motion on the horizontal bar using the 2-dimensional cinematographic method.
Subjects were 4 National ranked gymnasts of H University. The subject’s Tkatchev stretched motion was filmed with S-VHS camera at the speed of 60 fields per second and digitized the each field from 5 fields before the start the handstand motion to landing. And the Kwon3D 2.1 version program was employed to obtain 2-dimensional data.
Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. In the Whip swing phase, farther horizontal position of CM, lower vertical position of CM and great extention motion of hip joint will positively affect the pullback motion during up swing phase.
2. In the Pullback phase, farther horizonal position of CM, the fast vertical velocity of CM and the fast angular velocity of hip joint and shoulder joint identified important fator to increase the height of flight and rapidly rotation of body.
3. In the airborne phase, A large horizontal displacement, vertical displacement of CM and extention of hip joint after release to peak identified important factor to rapidly counter rotation oi body at regrasp.
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A comparative analysis of the kinematical characteristics during the driver golf swing 골프 드라이버 스윙 동작시 운동학적 특성 비교 분석
박성순Parkseung-soon , 이경일Leekyong-ii , 송주호Songju-ho
39(1) 528-539, 2000
A comparative analysis of the kinematical characteristics during the driver golf swing 골프 드라이버 스윙 동작시 운동학적 특성 비교 분석
박성순Parkseung-soon , 이경일Leekyong-ii , 송주호Songju-ho
The purpose of this study is to examine the variances to increase ball’s distance and velocity between amateur and professional golfer during the driver swing and to present data about an efficient driver swing motion through the comparison between amateur and professional golfers about important variances needed to increase the linear velocity of club head during the impact utilizing 3-dimensional image analysis The subjects of this study are two PGA golfers and amateur golfers. The program made by Younghoo Kwon(1994) was used to analyze the digitalization of reference point, digitalization of joint center, synchronization, calculation of 3-dimensional coordinate by DLT method, and smoothing. To process the data analyzed, SPSS(version 8.0) was used to analyze the correlation with MS Excel 97. The kinesiological variances of this study were change of center of mass, time, distance, velocity, angle, angular velocity. Also, as a technique of calculation program, the 3rd Spline function is used and the mean of all data were calculated.
Through these analyses, the conclusions are as follows.
During the driver swing, professional golfers performed fast swing in percentile of total time and professional golfers relatively performed swing maintaining a stable balance in variance of center of mass. Also, during the down swing, professional golfers are faster than amateur ones in club’s head velocity. During the cocking, the change of angular velocity showed a similar pattern between amateur and professional golfers and the most important variances were head velocity, angular velocity of right wrist, and ball velocity.
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A Kinematical Comparison of the Swing Techniques in Different Ground Levels 지면의 높이 차이에 따른 골프스윙 동작의 운동학적 변인비교
39(1) 540-549, 2000
A Kinematical Comparison of the Swing Techniques in Different Ground Levels 지면의 높이 차이에 따른 골프스윙 동작의 운동학적 변인비교
The purpose of this study was to investigate the swing techniques during the 5 different slopes which are flat lie(FL), feet up lie(BUL), left up lie(FUL), left up lie(LUL), and right up lie(RUL). The angle of the slope was 10 °. Seven well-trained male golfers(mean handicaps 1.6±0.79) volunteered for this study. Eight kinematic variables were collected from all subjects. The means and standard deviations were calculated from the variables. And the swing ratio(backswing vs downswing) was presented under the percentage of swing tempo. The results of this study were as follows. First, expert golfers had same swing tempos regardless of slope directions. The ratio between backswing and downswing was 3:1. Second, the speed of the clubhead on a flat lie(FL) was the greatest(C4=35.4m/s, C7=31.5m/s, 30.2m/s) than any other lies. Third, stance width of the slope lies(BUL, LUL, RUL) was wider than the FL’s(mean 0.7-3.6cm), however, FUL was narrower than the FL’s(mean 2cm). Fourth, on a FL, BUL, and FUL, the weight of right foot was 55% and the weight of left foot was 45%. But, on a LUL, the weight of right foot was 70% and the weight of left foot was 30%. On the other hand, on a RUL, the weight of right foot was 40% and the weight of left foot was 60% Fifth, the mean differences of shoulder heights were 7-10cm at the FT, BUL, and FUL On a LUL, the difference was 12-13cm, however, on a RUL, the difference was 4-5cm Sixth, the angle of the both knees were about 160 ° -164 ° at the FL, BUL, FUL. On a LUL, the left knee was 5˚-11˚ more flexed than the right knee. But, on a RUL, the right knee was 13 ° -16 ° more flexed than the left knee.
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The Effect of Stretch-Shortening Cycle in Arm-Flexion Movement 팔-굴곡 운동에서 Stretch-Shortening Cycle의 효과
39(1) 550-558, 2000
The Effect of Stretch-Shortening Cycle in Arm-Flexion Movement 팔-굴곡 운동에서 Stretch-Shortening Cycle의 효과
This study aimed to analyze the effect of stretch-shortening cycle in arm-flexion movement. To accomplish this, five male rugby-football players performed purely concentric flexion movement and flexion movement with stretch-shortening cycle according to three different angular velocities such as 60 degrees/sec, 180 degrees/sec and 240 degrees/sec.
Torque, work and power values about two-types movement and three-kinds angular velocities were collected by Cybex 770 and then were analyzed using Excel 97 program. The following conclusions were found.
1. The stretch-shortening cycle flexion movement with pre-stretch was greater than pure arm-flexion movement in peak torque by 17.96% and this peak torque was decreased as the angular velocity is increased
2. SSC flexion movement including pre-stretch was greater than pure arm-flexion movement in total work by 17.03% and this total work was decreased as the angular velocity is increased.
3. SSC flexion movement including pre-stretch was greater than pure arm-flexion movement in power by 79.71% and this power had the greatest value when the optimal angular velocity like 180 ˚/sec was achieved.
These results are interpreted as demonstrating that stretch-shortening cycle in a arm- flexion activity has a benefit about peak torque, total work and average power output.
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Verification of the Static and Dynamic 3D Data by using Human Motion Analyzer under the Virtual Reality Environment 가상현실환경을 이용한 동작분석시스템의 정적 및 동적 공간검증
39(1) 559-568, 2000
Verification of the Static and Dynamic 3D Data by using Human Motion Analyzer under the Virtual Reality Environment 가상현실환경을 이용한 동작분석시스템의 정적 및 동적 공간검증
The purpose of this study was to verify the practicability of constructing an human motion analyzer under the virtual reality(V.R) environment. In this study, In order to verify the validity and reliability of the system for static accuracy, precision and dynamic accuracy, two experiment designs were conducted.
The results follows as ;
Firstly, the result verified the accuracies and precisions of the system by using the tracking static data. The 6 DOF (Degree Of Freedom) informations out of the V.R system were considerably accurate and reliable, compared to the current prevailing systems.
Secondly, the result verified of the uniform motion of the stepping motor by using the V.R system. Thus, researcher concluded that the V.R system offered the relalble result in the ununiform motion.
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Comparison Analysis of the Angle Variation Patterns and DRM on Treadmill Walking by Slope 트레드밀 보행시 경사도에 따른 하지관절의 각도변화양상과 동적운동범위(DRM)의 변화
The purpose of this study is to offer the basic data of the exercise prescription for the general person who is doing walking exercise and the patient who are recovering from the injury or the orthopedic treatment by comparison analysis of walking on variate slope of treadmill between the angle variation patterns and the dynamic range of motion(DRM).
We used Vicon 370 system for the three dimensional analysis. The selected subjects of this study were twelve adult female in the twentieth, they were required to free-walk on the level, the -5%, the 10%, the -5% treadmill and the walking speed was 1.25m/s.
In the result of comparison, the angle variation patterns on hip joint rotation and knee varus/valgus different between on ground and treadmill. The joints angle except pelvic were shown similar pattern in the sagittal plane, however different pattern between up-hill and down-hill in the coronal plane and transverse plane.
About the DRM, the joints angle except ankle dorsiflexin/plantarflexion and valgus/valus were shown higher values overground level walking than treadmill. The hip flexion/extension and the ankle plantarflexion/dorsiflexion to execute shown the definite differences statistically by each inclination, especially in the -5% down-hill walking, DRM is highest.
As there analysis and result show, especially it need to be careful in the down-hill walking, cause the movement range of the knee joint was wide on the frontal plane, coronal plane and the same result in the other joint on frontal plane. Also in the up-hill walking rotation angle variation is higher during stance phase. Especially at the up and down hill walking, we suspect the angle change fast each joint, so during the up and down-hill walking, the old and the weak or the novice should walk slowly or do it in the limit of no body-stress. And the study suggests that it will be more desirable to analyze kinetic variables on the sagittal plane, frontal plane, coronal plane.
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The Effect of Endurance Exercise Type on the Macronutrient Self-Selection, Blood Components and Percent Fat 운동형태가 영양소선택, 혈액성분 및 체지방 변화에 미치는 영향
39(1) 583-591, 2000
The Effect of Endurance Exercise Type on the Macronutrient Self-Selection, Blood Components and Percent Fat 운동형태가 영양소선택, 혈액성분 및 체지방 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the endurance exercise type combined with macronutrient self-selection, blood component and organ weight of rats(Sprague-Dawley), For this purpose, mixed feeds were prescribed for the rats, while they were forced to swim and run for 4weeks. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows;
1. The running exercise group took the protein and carbohydrate most, while the controlgroup took fat most. The decrease of fat intake by the running exercise group suggests the possibility that the in-body enzymes should adapt themselves to the changing in-body condition caused by the endurance exercise. In contrast, it is conceived that more intake of the carbohydrate may be attributable to the need of supplementing the nutrient lost by the endurance exercise.
2. The levels of the triglyceride and cholesterol were lowered significantly more in running exercise groups than control one. Thus, it is conceived that the running exercise may help to reduce the levels of in-blood triglyceride and cholesterol as well as the in-% body fat level.
3. There were significant differences of mesentric weight gains among groups, but the running exercise group’s epididymis weights were lightest. Such losses of weight may mean that the 4-week endurance running exercise helped to consume the fat contained in these organ.
As discussed above, the endurance running exercise group took carbohydrate and protein and less fat than control group. Morever,the less intake of fat due to the endurance exercise seemed to result in less in-blood triglyceride and cholesterol and higher weight of mesentric and epididymis. In particular, it was found that the amount of feed intakes was affected much by types,intensity and duration of the exercises. All in all, such findings would apply to human beings. Now can increase the intakes of carbohydrate and decrease the intake of fat through an effective running exercise program and thereby, change our dietary patterns to the benefit of our body and simultaneously, prevent any adult’s diseases by decreasing the in % body fat level.
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The Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation, Dietary Restriction on T-cell, MDA and Antioxidant Enzyme of Rats 비타민 E 투여와 식이제한이 흰쥐의 T-cell, MDA 및 조직내 항산화효소에 미치는 영향
김현태KimHyun-Tae , 안응남AnEung-Nam
39(1) 592-600, 2000
The Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation, Dietary Restriction on T-cell, MDA and Antioxidant Enzyme of Rats 비타민 E 투여와 식이제한이 흰쥐의 T-cell, MDA 및 조직내 항산화효소에 미치는 영향
김현태KimHyun-Tae , 안응남AnEung-Nam
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of vitamin E supplementation, dietary restriction and 8 weeks tradmill exercise on T-cell, MDA and SOD, CAT, GPX in tissue. Forty female Sprague-Dawley rats was respectively random assigned to 10.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
1) T-cell, lung SOD, liver, lung CAT, liver GPX were significantly higher in the vitamin E supplementation group than other groups.
2) MDA were significantly higher in the exercise group than other groups
3) Liver SOD were significantly higher in the vitamin E, dietary restriction group than other group.
In conclusion, this study demonstracted that T-cell was influenced by vitamin E. But further experiments are required to supplementation volume, complexity of antioxidation vitamins and so follow proliferation response of T-cell. On the other hand, exercise obtainable radical or reactive oxygen compound is removed by vitamin E supplementation, also antioxidation enzymes has influenced by vitamin E. Therefore, it was concluded that vitamin E supplementation prevention of several disease and enhance of exercise performance.
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The Effects of Performance Assessment on Rhysical Education Learning Achievement of Middle School Students 수행평가가 중학생의 체육 학습성취에 미치는 영향
손천택SonChion-Taik , 김기춘KimGi-Chun
39(1) 603-613, 2000
The Effects of Performance Assessment on Rhysical Education Learning Achievement of Middle School Students 수행평가가 중학생의 체육 학습성취에 미치는 영향
손천택SonChion-Taik , 김기춘KimGi-Chun
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the performance assessment can improve the quality of P.E. in middle schools. Performance assessment and traditional assessment were compared by such comparative factors as ALT/PE, learning attitude and the level of cognitive thinking. Both performance assessment and traditional assessment were applied to actual classes of Korean Wrestling. Six classes were taken: 3 classes for performance assessment and 3 for traditional assessment.
An average student from each class was selected and their physical activity was recorded by a camcoder to measure "Academic Learning Time in Physical Education(ALT-PE).” After 4 physical education classes, a questionaire was handed out to all the students under investigation in order to get the data for the evaluation of learning attitude and cognitive thinking.
On the basis of analysis of the collected data, the following conclusions were drawn.
1. The classes of performance assessment were better than those of traditional assessment in achieving suggested learning objectives in the psychomotor domain.
2. The students in the performance assessment classes had better attitude toward physical education and more friendly relationships with their peers and teachers.
3. The students in the classes applying performance assessment classes showed higher level of cognitive thinking than those in the performance assessment classes.
In conclusion, performance assessment classes were more effective than traditional physical education classes achieving psycho-motor, affective and cognitive objective of physical education.
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The Effects of Content Development and Retention on Selected Gymnastics’ Skill Learning 내용발달이 중학생의 체조 다리 벌려뛰기 기능학습과 파지에 미치는 영향
신종순ShinJong-Soon , 곽은창EunChangKwak
39(1) 614-626, 2000
The Effects of Content Development and Retention on Selected Gymnastics’ Skill Learning 내용발달이 중학생의 체조 다리 벌려뛰기 기능학습과 파지에 미치는 영향
신종순ShinJong-Soon , 곽은창EunChangKwak
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of content development and retention on selected gymnastics skill learning. The subjects used for this study were 111 first grade middle school students in Iksan city. Three classes were randomly assigned to experimental groups which characterized content development, traditional, and control group. Before the experimental treatment, pretest was taken to see any differences were existed in each group. After the pretest, 3 periods of classes were spent for the treatment and posttest was taken immediately. Retention test was taken to see any treatment effects existed. The dependent variables were process characteristics and jumping distance conducted by overall students and high and low skilled students. The results of the study indicated that content development group achieved the highest improvement in the process characteristics. Content development and traditional group performed better than control group in the process characteristics and jumping distance. In the analysis of process characteristics, traditional group performed better than content development group in pretest. However, after treatment, content development group outperformed than two other groups. In retention test, there was no significant difference between groups. However, although no statistical significance was detected, skill learning effects were existed. A significant difference was detected in the process characteristics between high skilled students and low skilled students in each group. High skilled students in content development and traditional group were significantly improved as compared to control group. However, no group difference was existed No group difference was also shown in jumping distance.
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An Analysis on the Coach Factors along with Athletes’ Growing Stage Forming the Performances of the Top Female JUDO Athletes 정상급 여자 유도선수의 경기력 형성을 위한 성장단계별 지도행동 분석
39(1) 627-642, 2000
An Analysis on the Coach Factors along with Athletes’ Growing Stage Forming the Performances of the Top Female JUDO Athletes 정상급 여자 유도선수의 경기력 형성을 위한 성장단계별 지도행동 분석
The purpose of the study was to determine the coach factors along with athletes’ growing contributing to the formation of the performance of the top female judo athletes.
To achieve the purpose of the study, the qualitative case study was utilized for five judo athletes who had been within the third place in the Olympic Games, and the materials of the study were collected through the in-depth interviews and literature reviews.
The collected materials were analyzed by using the encoding and inductive category analysis, and the reliability, propriety and morality of the study were ascertained. The coaching behaviors vary along with the athletes’ growing stage such as middle school, high school, college and industry team period. The results of the analyses and interpretation on the study are as follows.
In the growing stage of middle school which is initial period, the coaching behaviors are focused on teaching basic skills, gripping, and building up judo pattern corresponding with the characteristics of judo athletes. Coaches emphasize the athletes how to control the matches and provide the demonstration of actual matches in the process of coaching. Coaches also encourage their judo athletes to do well psychologically, when their judo athletes are novices.
For the athletes approaching to the time to learn a basic techniques and strategies, it is important that they should be taught under the same coach, because the change of coach frequently has a negative effect on them.
When the middle school team period, coaches have to pay close attention to the reduction of weight than training, because female judo athletes in middle school team are short of the experience in taking care of themselves. In this period, the coach's role is very important because most of judo athletes have a tendency of unconditional dependency on their coaches.
The period of high school team is the phase to modify the basic techniques and practice how to control matches. Physical drill is given much weight as much as technical drill in their training, and most female judo athletic begin to construct their specialty by adapting what they learned from their coach on the basis of their experience.
The coaching behaviors for high school female judo athletes are similar to those of middle school team period, however the coaches should concern more about the love affairs since they are in puberty. One way to overcome the problem of puberty is to make them to concentrate on their training, but severe prohibition usually have a negative effect on them.
The period of college and industry team is the appropriate time to perform their best ability. This time is the phase to build up their expert disposition on the basis of long experience, and they need to practice new techniques or applicable ones. In this time, physical drill is as important as technical drill and they also need to cultivate a spiritual power. Coach have to promote their motivation through a various training. In the process of training, it is effective that coach lead them to exert strong physical drill and he needs to study and train with them so that they can build up their expert disposition.
In this time, it is necessary for coach to teach them individually and required to bring conviction to them through the going away for their training, and it is desirable that coach points out only things they need. The persistent trust in between coach and judo athletes is emphasized in managing judo athletes.
It is required for coach to pay attention to the athletes’ private matters such as physical condition, intersexual relation etc and maintain the close relationship with them, but excessive formal treatment has a negative effect on judo athletes. In this time, coach will have to play an important role so that they can put trust in him because they have a lot of parts to manage for themselves, unlike the time in middle school.
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Historical and Philosophical Approaches to Sport Pedagogy: A literature Review 체육교육의 역사적, 철학적 탐구: 현황과 과제
39(1) 643-658, 2000
Historical and Philosophical Approaches to Sport Pedagogy: A literature Review 체육교육의 역사적, 철학적 탐구: 현황과 과제
Sport pedagogy, as the field of study on physical education teaching and curriculum, has developed at astonishing speed. Since its inception in the early 1970s, the field of research on teaching, teacher education and curriculum has accumulated a great amount of research findings. Based on this research-based body of knowledge, sport pedagogy has contributed to the improvement of teaching and teacher education in physical education. However, it has been criticized by scholars for its empirical research-oriented inquiry, rather than concept analysis and theory development. It has been argued by many that without conceptual clarity and explanatory theories, interpretation and implication of research results cannot be done in a correct way. Particularly, historical and philosophical analysis on the major concepts and their relations in physical education has not quite interested by sport pedagogy researchers. Thus, it seems to me, the field is moving on without any directional guide. But philosophical inquiry and historical analysis are both necessary in order for a field to establish a sound conceptual and historical foundation and stand firm by itself. This study purports to review those historical and philosophical studies on physical education for the last two decades, so as that sport pedagogy researchers can recognize the urgent need to base their empirical research on the understanding of concepts and theories from the philosophy and history of education perspectives. It is hoped that by reviewing them, a genuine academic interest can be developed in sport pedagogy researchers.
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The Validity Generalization of Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis as A Measures of Body Density 채밀도 추정을 위한 생체 전기저항 분석법의 타당도일반화
강상조KangSang-Jo , 김기범KimKee-Bum
39(1) 661-678, 2000
The Validity Generalization of Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis as A Measures of Body Density 채밀도 추정을 위한 생체 전기저항 분석법의 타당도일반화
강상조KangSang-Jo , 김기범KimKee-Bum
Validity generalization is a method of establishing the generalizability of the validity of a test by examining the results of all previous validity studies of the test of interest. In this paper, the validity generalization model was modified for application to predict validity studies of bio-electrical impedance. A literature search was conducted to identify studies in which bio-electrical impedance test scores were correlated with underwater weighting. The predict validity of bio-electrical impedance test was not shown to be generalizable across all situations. In this study, the percentage of variance accounted for by the artifacts was total 35.8%, men 37.8%, women 17.6%, boys 12.4%, girls 18.5%. Thus, the 75% decision rule was not met. However, a model is in place for future use. A new validity study should be carried out on boys, girls and old people particularly. This new study will represent new data and should be added to the prior information to form the posterior distribution. The posterior distribution can be used in a subsequent validity generalization study. And the reason why regarding low power by stating that studies underestimate the power of validity generalization, since this study only included quantifiable artifacts. Therefore, next study will include nonquantifiable artifacts, such as typographical and corxputational errors and criterion contamination. To date, use of validity generalization as a model to examine validity has not been widely applied for exercise science research. Validity generalization holds considerable premise as a tool for exercise scientists to use in integrating knowledge in the area of criterion-related validity.
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Comparison and Analysis of Parameters estimated by Partial Credit Model and Generalized Partial Credit Model in Step Test 스텝검사에서 부분점수모형과 일반화부분점수모형에 의해 추정된 모수의 비교분석
김주학KimJu-Hak , 이기봉LeeGee-Bong
39(1) 679-689, 2000
Comparison and Analysis of Parameters estimated by Partial Credit Model and Generalized Partial Credit Model in Step Test 스텝검사에서 부분점수모형과 일반화부분점수모형에 의해 추정된 모수의 비교분석
김주학KimJu-Hak , 이기봉LeeGee-Bong
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze parameter of 4 step-tests estimated by partial credit model and generalized partial credit model. Second grade students( N = 431; 219 boys and 212 girls) from 11 selected middle schools in Seoul were employed as the step-test data in this study. The parameter estimation was completed by using the Facets (linacre, 1994) program for partial credit model and the Parscale (Muraki & Bock, 1993) program for generalized partial credit model. Item difficulties of 4 step-tests estimated by two models was similar, but standard errors of item difficulty estimated by generalized partial credit model were lower than those estimated by partial credit model. Therefore item parameters estimated by generalized partial credit model were exacter than those estimated by partial credit model. When subjects’ scores were same, subjects' ability parameters were same in partial credit model. But in generalized partial credit model, although subjects’ scores were same, subjects’ alility parameters were different by item difficulty. Some subject indicating high score were lower than subject indicating low score in ability parameter. This means that estimation of subject’s ability must include not only subject’s score but also difficulty of the test. As a result, to estimate parameter of the test composing multiple items, it is more appropriate using 2-parameter model than using 1-parameter model.
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Tlie Regional Difference of the Activity Fitness in Young Old Women 노년전기 여성 고령자 활동체력의 지역 차
39(1) 690-697, 2000
Tlie Regional Difference of the Activity Fitness in Young Old Women 노년전기 여성 고령자 활동체력의 지역 차
The purpose of this study was to compare activity fitness, and to investigate factorial structures of activity fitness between Seoul and Chinju young old women in Korea. The subjects were 245 women, aged 65 to 74. To review the regional difference of activity fitness, t-test was carried out. Principal Component analysis was applied to a 14x14 correlation matrix consisting of 14 activity fitness variables. Furthermore, extracted factors were rotated with a Normal Varimax criterion to obtain a simple factor structure. The regional differences of activity fitness components using factor scores were compared.
The results were as follows;
1. A significant regional difference was found in activity fitness.
2. In activity fitness domain, four factors were extracted and interpreted as coordination and muscle strength, agility and muscle endurance, flexibility and balance.
3. A significant regional difference in coordination and musde strength, agility and muscle endurance, and balance except for flexibility were found. In coordination and muscle strength and balance among all the activity fitness components the young old women in Seoul had a significantly higher level than those in Chinju. But in agility and muscle endurance the women in Chinju had a significantly higher level than those in Seoul.
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The Effect of Attitude toward Olympic Games on Purchase Intention for Official Sponsor’s Product 올림픽에 대한 태도가 공식 스폰서 제품의 구매 의도에 미치는 영향
김용만KimYong-man , 박세혁ParkSe-Hyuk
39(1) 701-715, 2000
The Effect of Attitude toward Olympic Games on Purchase Intention for Official Sponsor’s Product 올림픽에 대한 태도가 공식 스폰서 제품의 구매 의도에 미치는 영향
김용만KimYong-man , 박세혁ParkSe-Hyuk
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between attitucte of college students toward 2000 Sydney Olympic Games and purchase intention (PI) for official sponsor (Samsung Anycall). Respondents (n=885) were sampled from 8 different universities in Seoul area. Questionnaires were obtained using simple random sampling method and self-administration method. Descriptive analysis, t-Test, and regression (simple & multiple) were performed for data analysis. Results were as follows: First, a relationship between attitude toward the Olympic Games (AO) and official sponsor was found to be average level, and the relationship between attitude toward the brand (AB) and PI was almost positive level. Second, for Olympics involvement, high involvement group had more positive awareness for all factors such as AO, attitude toward the sponsor (AS), and AB than low involvement group. Third, for AO and AS, sponsor emblem and logo had an effect on AS. In addition, sponsor emblem only was found to be statistically significant. Fourth, for AO and PI, logo and sponsor emblem had significant effect on PI. Fifth, ’the relationship between AS and AB’,’the relationship between AS and PT,and ’the relationship between AB and PI’ were statistically significant. Marketing insights and strategies based upon information gained from data analysis were discussed.
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The Effects of Communication on Organizational Effectiveness in Sports Centers 스포츠 센터내 커뮤니케이션이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향
39(1) 716-726, 2000
The Effects of Communication on Organizational Effectiveness in Sports Centers 스포츠 센터내 커뮤니케이션이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between communication styles and organizational effectiveness in sports centers. Subjects of this study were 149 male and 65 female for the total of 214 sport fo all instructors who teached sports centers located in the city of Pusan. The date were collected from a self-administrated questionnaires. In order to measure the communication styles of sport fo all instructors, the instrument developed by Chruder and Scherman(1977) was used, and to measure the organization effectiveness, organizational committrnent developed by Mowday, Steers, Proter(1979), and job satisfaction developed by Brayfield & Rothe(1965), and turnover intention developed by Anold & Feldman(1982) was used.
The reliability of the Likert Scale was confirmed by testing Cronbach Alpha, the data were analyzed through correlation analysis, and enter multiple regression analysis.
The findings of this study are as follows;
First, The was significant difference that upward communication among official communication in according to Gender, and there was male than female.
Second, The was significant difference that organizational committment and job satisfaction among the organization effectiveness in according to Gender, and there was male than female.
Third, Official and unofficial communication have effect on the organizational committment. There was significant effect that horizontal communication among official communication.
Fourth, Official and unofficial communication have effect on the job satisfaction. There was significant effect that upward and horizontal communication among official communication.
Fifth, Official and unofficial communication have negative effect on the turnover intention. There was negative effect that horizontal communication among official communication.
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Studying the Managerial prospect of Seoul Olympic Sports Rranotion Foundation 국민체육진흥기금의 수지전망에 대한 연구
39(1) 727-737, 2000
Studying the Managerial prospect of Seoul Olympic Sports Rranotion Foundation 국민체육진흥기금의 수지전망에 대한 연구
The research is aimed to evaluate the role of Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation, and to search alternatives to better contribute to Korean sport in the future. Specifically, first, it is analyzed how the fund has played a role in Korea sport since 1988. Second, it is examined the balance between income and outgo after ceasing additional fee by the end of this year. Third, it provided some alternatives to firmly collect the fund.
While the fund has been threatened to be reduced, new business such as Cycling Race, Boating Race and Soccer Pool must be significant for Korean sport in new Millenium. Those business will be greatly helpful for complementing the reduced fund. Especially, Soccer Pool’s successful accomplishment will contribute to the collection of the fund and the promotion of sport for all.
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An Effect of Students’ Perception of Physical Education Teacher's Behavior on Scholastic Achievement. 체육교사 행동에 대한 학생의 지각이 학업성취에 미치는 영향
이상일LeeSang-ll , 임수연LimSoo-Youn
39(1) 738-752, 2000
An Effect of Students’ Perception of Physical Education Teacher's Behavior on Scholastic Achievement. 체육교사 행동에 대한 학생의 지각이 학업성취에 미치는 영향
이상일LeeSang-ll , 임수연LimSoo-Youn
This study was intended to identify how students’ improvement in physical education teacher’s behavior or attitude that they encountered during the school hours of education.
The research instrument used for this study was the questionnaire developed based on the teacher treatment inventory developed by Weinstein, Marshall, Brasttesani, Middlestant(1979) and the teacher treatment perception questionnaire produced by Yun Sun-hong(1988).
Respondents were asked to complete their questionnaire in a self-administration method
The study results were obtained as follows :
1. According to the physical education teachers ' perceiving behavior factors that are shown in the students demographic characteristics, they show differences about Supportive Helpish in sex, Supportive Helpish, Negative Feedback and Teacher directio in grade, Work and Rule Orientation and High Expectation, opportunity and choice in parents job, Negative Feedback and Teacher direction in parents education level, Supportive Helpish and Teacher direction in school records, Supportive Helpish and High Expectation, opportunity and choice in physical education records. They show no differences in house income.
2. In the relationship between scholastic marks and physical education marks, students with the higher rank of scholastic marks belonged to the lower rank of physical education marks, whereas students with the lower rank of scholastic marks belonged to the higher rank of marks in physical education. It was shown that there was a trade-off between them.
3. In terms of the degree of satisfaction with physical education -class, students felt satisfied with the teacher’s high expectation, opportunity and choice factor while they felt unsatisfied with the teacher’s negative feedback and direction factor.
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Research on the Structural Improvement of the Korean Soccer 한국축구의 구조개선 방안에 관한 연구
39(1) 753-763, 2000
Research on the Structural Improvement of the Korean Soccer 한국축구의 구조개선 방안에 관한 연구
This study focuses on the current issues behind the developement of the Korean soccer, thus to find an alternative measure in resolving such problems. Presently, the Korean soccer is on the verge of preparing for the year 2002 world cup. However, there is inevitable and yet inherent problem in trying to improve the vary nature of Korean soccer or its structure in the 21 century. On a wider scale, this inherent nature not only deals with the soccer itself but also is seen in every form or type sports in Korea. Another words, the vary nature of sports community overall needs to innovate first prior to initiating a certain improvement measures to our soccer community. First, execution of implementing an enhanced strategy for the entire sports community has to occur at a local level whereby for example, the local community has to develop an enviroment to identify, incubate and ayyract elite athletes. Additionally, our communities has to systematically use a certain phase methodology in providing a smooth transition by bulding a career track for those elite athletes in the local leagues to the school level and that of ultimately to the professional level.
The development of sport such as soccer has to have either direct or indirect and much wider participation as a core foundation. In order to have this foundation in place, the elite class athletes, the amateurs regardless of age and the local communitioes must build a pyramid relationship to blance the development efforts. Furthermore, this pyramid structure has to create a synergy by having a strategic partnership with the professional soccer leagues. Specially, our nation has already developed a sport for all at a local community level. Hence to extending this mutual commonnality far and beyond, we must utilize every interest for improving the current environment and strategically implement a phase approach for the overall success.
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The Relationships among Leisure Constraint, Leisure Satisfaction and Perceived by Selected Upper-Middle Class Housewives Residing in Seoul Metropolitan Area 도시거주 가정주부의 여가제약과 여가만족의 관계
김성희KimSung-Hee , 강유원KangYu-Won
39(1) 767-777, 2000
The Relationships among Leisure Constraint, Leisure Satisfaction and Perceived by Selected Upper-Middle Class Housewives Residing in Seoul Metropolitan Area 도시거주 가정주부의 여가제약과 여가만족의 관계
김성희KimSung-Hee , 강유원KangYu-Won
It had been proved theoretically in this study that leisure constraint as perceived by housewives is major psychological barrier to leisure satisfaction and leisure satisfaction is the one and only variable predicting family cohesion and life satisfaction. The subjects of this study were 754 housewives who are 25 years old and over, living in Seoul metropolitan area. Subjects were selected by the strafied random sampling in order to meet the characteristics of subject samples those who are either actively or passively engaged in leisure activities.
Research instruments were devised by the researcher herself, pretested, and proved that contain content validity and reliability. They were Crawford et al’s item Leisure Constraint Scale, Ragheb and Beard’s LSS(Leisure Satisfaction Scale) background variables that the research herself developed.
The major findings of this study were that the most significant factors affcting the degree of life satisfaction of the middle class Korean housewives were family cohesion, leisure satisfaction and perceived leisure constraint. It was also found that the degree of family cohesion could be amelioliated by the leisure satisfaction that influenced by participants socioeconomic variables such as income and educational backgrounds.
Wthin its limitations, this study provided a testable model depicting the causal relationships among leisure constraint, leisure participation, family functioning in terms of cohesion and adaptibility, and life satisfaction of the contemporary Korean housewives.
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The Effects of Circuit Training Program on the Physical Fitness of Students with Mental Retardation 서킷운동이 훈련가능 정신지체학생의 체력 향상에 미치는 효과
김광호KimKwang-Ho , 선우진SunwooJin
39(1) 781-790, 2000
The Effects of Circuit Training Program on the Physical Fitness of Students with Mental Retardation 서킷운동이 훈련가능 정신지체학생의 체력 향상에 미치는 효과
김광호KimKwang-Ho , 선우진SunwooJin
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of 12 weeks of circuit training program on the physical fitness of students with mental retardation. The subjects consisted of nine TMR in Seoul Korea. The back and leg strength, sargent jump, knee down push up, trunk extension backward, cardiovascular fitness(HR, V O2, V O2kg, V e, R), and body composition(subscapular, triceps, chest, abdominal) were measured before and after treatment. The modified Balke/Ware treadmill test is a cardiovascular fitness predictor specific to stationary, uphill walking. The testing protocol involved maintaining a constant speed of 3.4mph while increasing the grade from a horizontal degree at the first minute to one degree each subsequent minute until the subject’s limit was voluntarily reached. The variables are HR, V O2, V O2/kg, V e, R that were measured in every 20 seconds from Sensor Medics 2900 System. The SPSS/WIN package was used to analyze the data of this study. Mean and S.D were provided in paired-samples t-test with .05 significance level. The results of this study were as follows. First, there were significant difference in back and leg strength, sargent jump, knee down push up, trunk extension backward before and after treatment. Second, there were significant difference in HR peak, V O2 peak, V e peak, R peak before and after treatment during maximal exercise. But there was no significant difference in V O2/kg before and after treatment during maximal exercise. Third, there were significant difference in body fat(subscapular, triceps, chest, abdominal) before and after treatment. The long-tenn training over one year is more required to compare the effectivaiess of the training and physical fitness persons without mental retardation than the short term training. Furthermore, future studies should look into mare appropriate measurements and programs for persons with mental retardation.
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The Causal Relationship Model Among Socializing Agents, Handicapped Traits and Participation of The Physically Handicapped in Mass Sports. 후천적 지체장애인의 스포츠사회화 주관자, 장애특성, 및 생활체육 참여 간의 인과모형
문용MunYong , 김기영KimGi-young , 윤형기YoonHyung-Gi
39(1) 791-807, 2000
The Causal Relationship Model Among Socializing Agents, Handicapped Traits and Participation of The Physically Handicapped in Mass Sports. 후천적 지체장애인의 스포츠사회화 주관자, 장애특성, 및 생활체육 참여 간의 인과모형
문용MunYong , 김기영KimGi-young , 윤형기YoonHyung-Gi
The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects among socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in mass sports.
For this purpose the research was administered to 368 male and female adults dwelling in both Kyeonggi Province and Seoul. Data were collected through samples by means of cluster sampling method.
The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in domestic previous studies of Kim ggi-young(1997), Kim Jeong Sun’s(1987), Lee Jeong Young’s(1989, 1991), Park Young Kwan’s(1992), Bang Jee Sun’s(1992), Lee Jae Hong’s(1993), Lim Burn Jang(1995), McPerson’s(1972), and Greendorfer’s(1974), and used them after examing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test.
The methods of Statistics used to analyze the collected datas were structural equation modeling analysis.
The following is conlusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study.
1. There was supported partialy by hypothesis 1-1, 2-1 of the relationship among family socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in Mass Sports.
2. There was supported by hypothesis 1-2, 2-2 of the relationship among peer socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in Mass Sports.
3. There was supported by hypothesis 1-3, 2-3 of the relationship among school socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in Mass Sports.
4. There was not supported by hypothesis 1-4, 2-4 of the relationship among community socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in Mass Sports.
5. There was supported partialy by hypothesis 1-5, 2-5 of the relationship among medical group socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in Mass Sports.
6. There was supported by hypothesis 1-6, 2-6 of the relationship among mass communication socializing agents, handicapped traits and participation of the physically handicapped in Mass Sports.
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The Parents’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Fhysical Education of Children with Developmental Disabilities 장애아 부모의 통합체육에 대한 태도 연구
오광진OhKwang-Jin , 김광호KimKwang-Ho
39(1) 808-818, 2000
The Parents’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Fhysical Education of Children with Developmental Disabilities 장애아 부모의 통합체육에 대한 태도 연구
오광진OhKwang-Jin , 김광호KimKwang-Ho
This study is to identify the parent’s attitudes toward inclusive physical education of children with developmental disabilities. Subjects for this study consisted of residents of S city which parents had children with developmental disabilities in the six to fifteen age group. The sample number used in actual analysis was 593. The content of the questionnaire used for this research made up of twelve questions concerning the parents’ attitudes toward inclusive physical education using the Physical Educators’ Attitudes Toward Teaching Individuals with Disabilities(Block & Rizzo, 1995). The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was confirmed based on a pilot test, a meeting of specialists, a calculation of Cronbach’s α value, and factor loading value used in exploratory factor analytic technique. Cronbach's α value was .8168. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSWIN Version 8.0 program for statistical analysis, and was completed using frequency, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. 1) The parents’ attitudes toward inclusive physical education of children with developmental disabilities according to gender, frequency of parents’ special education training, year of inclusive education of children with disabilities, year of inclusive physical education of children with disabilities, income, and education is differenced significantly(p<.05). 2) Frequency of parents’ special education training, and age influence the parents’ attitudes toward inclusive physical education of children with developmental disabilities significantly(p<.01).